Chapter 33

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Hey lovelies~ thank you so much for waiting so long xoxoxoxoo THIS IS THE END. COmment if you would like a sequel<3 Thanks for sticking with me and my story, guys. I love you!!

Harmony's P.O.V

I watched my little girl sleep in her crib, relief spreading over me every time I watched her chest rise and fall. We have gone through six months of test, and today we were going to finally get the results. Louis was nervous and scared, but he tries so hard to keep his feelings bottled up. God, I would be even more of a mess without Louis right by my side. Our love was so strong. He kept me held together. And I'm being really positive about this; at least I'm trying to be.

I got Melody up and dressed, and we drove to her doctor's office. Louis desperately wanted to be there for the results, but I made him go to work. He really tried to come with me, but he has already missed tons of work the past months. The boys are so supportive over this entire situation. Harry is being the best out of all them. I can tell he really misses his LouBear, because we've been so out of it lately. I can see Niall kind of distancing himself from Melody.

"Why doesn't Niall ever play with Melody anymore?" I had asked Natalie a couple weeks ago. She looked down at her hands, shuffling in her spot.

"I'm not sure," She said, not making eye contact. "He's just scared, like all of us are."

So I let it go, until I noticed he was starting to distance himself from me. He's my best friend, he can't get away from me that easily. The boys had come over to hang out, and Melody was sleeping in her room. For a while it was just like old times. We all joked around, and talked until I noticed Niall wasn't really interacting with us. I made eye contact with him, but he just looked away.

"Niall, I wanna show you something. Come with me?" He gave me a confused look but got up and followed me into my room. I sat down on my bed and he followed.

"What did you want to show me?" He asked quietly. I sighed, forcing eye contact.

"Niall," I whispered. "I miss you. Where have you been?"

"I've been right here. What are you talking about?"

"Niall!" I jumped up, facing him. "You haven't talked to me or even laid an eye on Melody in weeks! What's going on?" My face softened.

"I just miss my best friend." He sighed and wiped a rolling tear off my cheek. He took a shakey breath.

"I'm scared. I'm scared something is going to Melody so I've been distancing myself. I thought that if I didn't get so attached I- I... I don't know," He put his head in his hands. I sat there for a minute, not knowing what to say.

"And I shouldn't be feeling like this! You're her mom! You must be feeling awful, here I am trying to detach myself from you guys. I'm so stupid." He went on.

"Niall," I took his hand, and he looked up at me. His hair was a mess, but his eyes were so broken. Tears threatened to fall, but I could see they were forced back.

"Hey," I smiled lightly. "We are going to be fine. She is going to be alright. Okay?" His expression didn't change.

"What if she isn't though?" Now it was my turn to sigh. This was something I thought about often.

"Well, we'll do whatever we can to get her better. If she- if anything happens, then its for a reason. I am a big believer in fate. But right now we just have to stay positive, because we have little say in what does happen."

I thought of that nights conversation as I drove Melody to the doctors, and came back to my senses when I pulled into the parking lot.

"Harmony, Melody, how are you doing?" Melody's doctor greeted us, smiling. I hated this doctor. She was always smiling. Not that smiling was bad, but she was fake. I don't know how Melody is doing; it's her job to find that shit out.

"We're good," I propped Mel up on  my side as we entered the little office. The doctor, whose name I still hadn't remembered, pulled out a file and read over it carefully. I cleared my throat, impatiently waiting. She looked up and forced a sad smile. Shtshitshitshitshitshit.

"So..?" I asked. She looked at my as Melody giggled to herself in my arms. I looked over at her. She has to be fine. She's mine. Not anyone Else's. She has to be okay.

"Harmony," The doctor started. I forced myself to look up at her. All of a sudden she smiled widely.

"She is going to be just fine. She's a perfectly healthy baby."

Relief. So much relief.

I let out a laugh as tears spilled down my eyes. I hugged my daughter tightly, thanking the doctor.

"Thank you," I let out through my joyous sobs. "Thank you so much."

I left the office and checked the time. 3.30pm. Louis would be home right now, patiently waiting for me. I rushed home.

When I walked into the house he was waiting right in the living room, and walked over quickly. I refused to make eye contact and looked at sleeping Melody.

"Let me put her in her crib." I said quietly. He let out a sigh of defeat. I smiled to myself as I put Melody down, and walked back over. Louis was sitting down, defeated.

"How bad is it?" He croaked. I hugged him tightly.

"She's fine." I said into his ear. He jumped up and smiled widely at me. I grinned ear to ear, and nodded. He let out a laugh and a sigh of relief. I leaned in and kissed him. We won. It was us against the world, and we won. We continued to kiss as we made our way to our bedroom, careful not to wake Melody. As we made love, we let out our emotions.  Frustration, stress, but then happiness, joy, relief. Everything in life is inevitable, but in that moment everything was okay. My daughter was okay, Louis was okay and finally I was okay.

When I moved to London, I had no idea any of this would happen. I had no idea I would meet Louis, and fall in love with him. Since I've met him, so many amazing and terrible things have happened. I lost our daughter, lost a sister who hated me, but I gained so much too. I gained my life back. I gained four brothers, and a daughter. When I met Louis, everything has been so inevitable. But I wouldn't take anything back. Why? Because...

He saved me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2013 ⏰

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