Chapter 3

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When I finished unpacking my belongings for the weekend, I decided to fix myself up and then go downstairs with the boys. Minus Liam, since he was still out with Danielle.

I started the shower, and then undressed. One by one I took each of my braceletes off. I gazed down at my scars, my battle wounds. I've been self-harming ever since I was fourteen. I'm not ashamed of it, but I know people judge, so I dont talk about it. Even if I did want to talk about it, people never know what to say. I guess you never truly understand it unless you've experienced it. People think you do it for dumb reasons. Like "Oh my mom wouldn't get me an ipod, I guess I'll go cut myself now." But its not like that. Like people say, the small things count the most. And that was just it. I was under so much pressure. My parents tried to get me to model, but nobody wanted me. People called me stuck up, a slut, a whore, everything. Eventually my parents saw my cuts, and you know what they did? They sent me to a mental hospital as soon as they could. I wasn't really against it, because I knew I needed help. But I was so mad. I was mad because my secret was found out. Anyways, in the hospital I met a boy around my age. I was sixteen at the time. He was just amazing. He wasn't in for depression or anything. I was in the psyc ward part of the hospital, and he had kidney problems so he was there for a few weeks. One day, I was at the vending machine trying to get sour patch kids (I cant live without them) and they wouldnt get out.. So I got mad and kicked it, dramatic I know. But all of a sudden this gorgeous boy with curly brown hair and brown eyes walks up and asked if I needed help.

"Are you alright, love?" He asked. 'love', yes he was British too! I looked at him, and it was like all my anger vanished. I got lost in his deep brown eyes and we just stared at each other longingly until his gaze went to my wrists, all bandaged. He walked to the venting machine I had just kicked, put a dollar in it and 2 sour patch bags came out. He smiled, we talked, and it all went from there. For the rest of the time he was there, we were inseperable. It wasn't a romantic relationship, but simply a friendship. I told him everything, and he did likewise. He made me feel almost happy again. Like I was a whole, and not just broken pieces. I remember the last time I saw him. It was when we exchanged first and last names, for letters (which he never sent) 

I had tears in my eyes and he was hugging me. 

"Shh its okay," He said. " We'll stay in touch. Forever and Always, right?" But that was a lie. He never wrote. He never called. And it broke my heart, because he had given me hope. Something I hadn't had in a long time. But he also took every last bit I had away. I still have the little piece of paper he gave me that day. 

'Forever and Always. We'll find each other again soon xx -Liam Payne

I just wish I could see him again. I never found out what happened with him, but I figured he never wanted to talk to me again. I just wish I could see him one last time. 

 I finished my shower and stepped out. I put my braceletes on one by one, when all of a sudden the door flew open. There stood a very, very shocked Louis Tomlinson. 

Louis' Point of View

"She's very pretty," Niall commented, as she was setting her things up in  my room. Niall was sitting  at the table eating Lucky Charms while Hazza and I cooked dinner. Well, it was mostly him cooking while I took out the ingrediants. 

"Why do I always have to cook?" Harry complained, even though he secretly loved it. Hazza and I were Larry Stylinson, our own bromance. It was quite funny at first, until fans started worshipping it and believing it was true. I love Hazza, but it was just going too far. Eleanor, my girlfriend at the time, starting getting even more hate than she already was. It became too much and she just decided she couldn't handle it anymore. It crushed me to know that people could hate someone so much, and make them feel terrible all the time. It hurt a lot when she left, but I couldn't blame her. It's a lot of pressure. We tried to stay friends but it never really worked out in the end. I missed her and wanted her back. It was hard to stay friends when I was so used to holding her, kissing her, caressing her. But I learned that it was what she wanted, and if I loved her then I should let her go. 

When I crashed into Harmony's car it scared the shit out of me. El was still on my mind, but when I saw Harmony the seconds before we crashed, it was like my world stopped. That it was my job to protect her, which I obviously didn't. At the hospital, I was lucky to find out she didn't have any major injuries. The few hours she was out I just sat there watching her. She had beautiful blonde hair with the ends dyed purple. I don't really like when people dye their hair but with her it was different. Cliche I know, but it just suited her. Gave her an edge to her innocent look. And my heart stopped when she opened her blue-green eyes. They immediatley locked with mine. I was surprised that she knew I was famous and in One Direction and didn't freak out. I'm not any way full of myself, but its nice when people don't scream when they see your face. I appreciate every one of my fans though. I smikrked as I led her to my car. A lot of girls would see it and be really impressed, but with her? Nothing. It was like she didn't really care too much. About material things. And I liked that. It made her seem real. 


I saw Niall fall off of the chair from laughing at one of Harry's lame jokes. 

"Ow! That really hurt! I landed on my damn wrist wrong," He cursed, holding his hand gently, examining it as if he'd see the wound.

"I'll run up and get some advil," I declared, running upstairs. I ran into my room, but it wasn't there. Hmm where was it? Oh! The medicine cabinet in the bathroom. I flew the door open and saw myself face to face with a naked Harmony. She was just as shocked as I was. I was frozen, staring at her gorgeous body, although they were covered in scars. I wonder what those are about. 

"Louis get the fuck out," She calmly said, bending down to get a towel. Is this real life? She isn't freaking out and screaming? And she just bends down naked in front of me to get a towel. I turned on my heels and walked out in shock. She is definitly different.

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