Chapter 29

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Thanks guys so much for reading Xxx

"Why are we doing this?" I grumbled as Natalie and Danielle did my hair and makeup.

"Because its,like, tradition!" Dani exclaimed. "You have to do something fun before you're a married woman." I sighed in defeat, and looked into the mirror. I gasped, amazed. My long hair was in loose waves, my makeup deep with smokey eyes and red lipstick, with a medium length black dress which hugged my curves.

"I knew you'd like it," Natalie smiled.

We took Natalies car and drove to Capitol A, their favorite club. Before we got out, Dani looked at me sternly.

"Harmony, you are to get as drunk as you can, okay? Okay." I nodded, just a tad excited.

We drowned ourselves in different varieties of shots. After a while I found myself lost in the music and on the dance floor. I swayed with my eyes closed.

"Are you having fun?" I opened my eyes to see Natalie. I smiled and nodded, but something didn't feel right. I excused myself to the bathroom. As I sat in the stall, I found blood pouring out of me.

"Shit," I panicked.

"Hey are you okay in there?" Dani asked concerned. My heart was pounding.

"Dani, I need to go to the hospital. I- I'm bleeding. Bad."

We grabbed Natalie and rushed into the car, desperately trying to get to the hospital. I would tell you all of my complex thoughts about this but there's not really any. I was just scared.

Dani and Nat rushed me in and yelled for help. Blood was all over me, and I felt faint. I tried to gain my balance, and started to panic even more. Doctors and nurses were yelling at me, but I couldn't hear them. I blinked fast, trying to focus on their blurry figures. Then I fainted.

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

I swear I get to hear these annoying hospital sounds way more than other girls. The memories of early played in my mind and I started shaking with fear. Was something wrong with me?

A middle aged doctor walked in, and looked at me.

"Well Harmony, you are very lucky you came in when you did. I have some oncology specialists I'll refer you too and-"

"Oncology? I don't have cancer. Maybe you mixed me up with someone else. I can't have cancer. I can't."

The doctor gave me a sympathetic look.

"I'm sorry Harmony, but you have acute ovarian cancer. I'm sorry. Shall I send your friends in?" I was shaking with fear.

"Louis. Just send Louis." He nodded and walked out.

Cancer. I have cancer. I am the stupidest person ever. I spend my entire life wishing that my life would end and now that things are going good I am really going to die.

Louis walked in quietly, his eyes red rimmed from tears. He stood a few feet away from me, and just examined me carefully.

"Lou, I'm not going to die right now, you can come sit with me." I cracked a smile, but he shot me a look. Too soon.

"I don't get how you can joke about this." I sighed, and looked into his eyes. His eyes were full of worry and.concern. And devastation.

"You don't have to marry me anymore." I said quietly. His eyes filled with tears, and he collapsed into a chair, sobbing. Soon, I was in tears, mostly because I've never seen Loubear like this.

"Its okay," I soothed him, rubbing his back. "I understand." He looked up at me, his eyes in disbelief. I looked down, ashamed of myself.

"Harmony, look at me," He said sternly. "I love you more than anything, and seeing you like this devastates me. Love , you're my world. I want you. This is just a rough patch, okay? We'll get you treatment and we'll see how it goes okay? We have to be positive. I love you."

I nodded and kissed him lightly.

"I love you more." He smiled.

"Lets not get into that. We could go on all day. But I love you more. Do you want me to get the others?"

I shook my head. I wasn't ready to have them cake me with sympathy and look at me like I'm dead. But something kept running through my head. Did I want to get treatment? I mean, it might help but it could also just make me suffer until I die. I guess the cancer was why I lost the babies. I looked at Louis, who was sleeping. How am I going to leave the love of my life without even putting up a fight?

a/n okay guys please don't hate me! comment on what you think! Treatment or no treatment? Thanks for reading lovelies:)

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