Chapter 30

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"So what are my options?" I asked the doctor, Louis grasped my hand tightly. We were still in my hospital room, tensely sitting up on the bed. The doctor looked down at some files and thought hardly.

"Well, Harmony, no news is good news. We could start radiation and try to shrink the cells, or we could surgically remove your ovaries which would lead to no evidence of cancer. " I looked at Louis and saw his optimistic face falter. The doctor noticed and sighed.

"Harmony, as a doctor I would recommend just getting your ovaries removed. After the surgery, you will obviously not be able to carry a child, but you'll gain your life. If you do chemo, it still might not work. I know it isn't an easy decision, but I'll let you decide. I'll be back shortly."

Louis and I sat still for a while, neither of us talking. But was there anything to really say? I looked up at Louis and saw tears starting in his eyes. My heart shrank inside my chest. I took a deep breath.

"If I do chemo and it works, we can still try again and-"


"Louis," I said desperately. "You want a family. Do you know how awful it feels not being able to give you that?" He jumped up, furiously.

"Do you know how awful it is going to be if it doesn't work? And I have to watch you die?" He stopped in place, regretting what he just said.

"Love, I didn't mean-"

"Whatever," I stopped him. We were both on thin ice. "Why don't you get the others? Do they know?" He nodded and left the room.

Shortly after, he walked back in, the others quietly following him. They all had red rimmed eyes, and didn't say anything.

"Why don't you guys just visit one at a time? So I can talk to you." They all nodded and walked out, except for Liam. He sniffled his nose and sat next to me. I took his hand in a friendly way and looked into his eyes.

"I. Am. Not. Going. To. Die.. Okay?" He reluctantly nodded, still not saying anything. I sighed.

"Are you going to talk?" I asked, slightly irritated. I'm still alive! He cleared his throat, and shifted in his place, not quite giving me eye contact.

"I'm scared that if I talk, I'll start crying." He said softly, his voice shaking.

"Hey," I grabbed his chin, making him look me in the eyes. "I am not going anywhere. It's still really early, so they can get rid of it. Okay?"

"Okay," He said. "I just really don't want to lose you again." Oh great. Now I'm in tears. We sat together and cried together and laughed together until someone else wanted to come in and see me. I hobbled over the door to see who was going to visit next when I heard voices.

"Louis, I love her too!" Niall's voice said.

"Yes Niall I get that, but she is my world. I love her more than you. She is mine. I'm sorry you fell in love with her too. I know you can't help it. But she is my fiance, okay?" I opened the door and they immediately stopped talking.

"Did you hear tha-"

"Yes, I did."

"Great Niall, now she's going to be more stressed out." Louis complained.

"Hey, it's not my fault!"

They continued bickering while I tried to get them to stop. I tried yelling but I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen. The overwhelming feeling caused me to collapse. Lou and Niall rushed to me and called for doctors, while I slipped in and out of consciousness.

All of a sudden I was being rushed on a gurney, to the emergency room.

"Sir," A doctor said quickly. "We need to get her to an O.R. now! Do you give the consent to remove her ovaries."

NO! I screamed in my head. I need to give him a family. I have too.

"I, um, I," Lou's voice shook with panic.

"Sir she will die if we don't remove her ovaries immediately."

"Okay, do what needs to be done. Please save her." His voice desperately begged. I heard a cry fade out in the back, as I slowly slipped away.

The next morning I refused to see anyone. I was pissed off at Louis for letting them take my chance of being a mom away from me. I know he was just looking out for me, and trying to save me. I felt empty inside, like my entire womanhood was taken away from me.

Around noon, the nurse said I had a visitor and they said it was an emergency. I allowed it, and all of a sudden my mother rushed in, tears in her eyes.

"My baby," She cried, hugging me. I stiffened by her touch, surprised on why she was here. After she calmed herself, I examined her carefully.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" I asked coldly. I had no sympathy for her. She has been nothing but a cunt to me. She cupped my hands with hers.

"Oh Honey, I realized how awful I've been to you, and I am so sorry. I left your father. It just became too much. And Brittany just took over everything." I sat there silently and listened. "When Louis called me crying that's just when I realized everything an-"

"Wait, Lou called you? Why?" I interrupted. She smiled, something I've never seen before.

"He thought I had a right to know. And don't be mad, sweetheart because he was not all too polite on the phone. It was very brief, but I just had to come see you." She went to hug me but I moved away.

"Mother, I think it's time for you to leave. I understand you are sorry but things have been said and done. You can never take your actions and decisions away."

"Brittany has one of your babies," She said abruptly. WHAT?!

"What the fuck are you talking about you bloody cuntface." I snapped, so many things going in my head. What is she talking about?

"When Brittany crashed her truck into you, you went into labor and had a miscarriage, right?" I nodded, tears spilling through my eyes.

"One of them died. The doctors thought both were dead, but then one started breathing. They went to give her to you, but Brittany explained that she was your sister and that she would bring her to you. When you saw her with a baby, it was yours. Brittany was never pregnant. I'm so sorry." She rushed out. My heart was racing and I was dizzy.

"LOUIS WILLIAM TOMLINSON," I yelled. He ran into the room worried. I explained what had just happened.

"Louis, go get my baby girl."

a/n Yes, readers, that just happened. Please let me know what you think??!?! Thanks so much lovelies!! xoxoxxoxoxo

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