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Good morning, it's currently 11:15am and I have yet to complete any goals for today as I just woke up.

I will draw my self care task out of the bag shortly, I'm not sure if it's possible to get my sunlight goal done today as it's currently raining.

My self care task for today is.... "Take a 10 minute break." The idea behind this task is simple, take 10 minutes to just relax and breathe. I'm not sure if that counts as what I'm currently doing now but yee. I will update later tonight and write down what all I achieved today :)

So it's currently 8:05pm, I didn't end up exercising today :( my cat attacked my hand and clawed the heck out of it which lead to me having a breakdown and not so great day...

I couldn't go outside because it rained all day but I did sit infront of my window pretty much all day with the curtains opened so I'm not sure if that counts as my 10 minutes of sunlight but I will take it.

I did however complete my self care task! I am beyond proud of myself for it too ☺️
And I wrote in my diary (which is this book.)

I am planing on taking a shower tomorrow, (I showered yesterday.) Hopefully I'll be able to get my hour of exercise done too. :) Fingers crossed!.

I didn't really get a whole lot done today because of my mental health and hand, (Yes I am slightly dramatic but the cat got me fairly "good")

I ate twice today! I'm extremely proud of that and I even drank a chocolate milk! ☺️☺️
I also played some animal crossing and stardew valley, both on my switch which was fun. :) Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day 🙂
Quick late update:
I didn't exercise however I did manage to brush my teeth which is really good! I'm super proud of myself 🙂

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