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Okay so for today's physical activity, I got my partner to pick a number and she picked 3 which is, "Play with the green bouncing ball." For reference that's a kids sports ball that's bouncy.

Today's self care task shall be, "Take a shower." I didn't draw any today but I do desperately need to shower sooo.

I'll update in a bit and see what all I got done...
Update one:

I got my "five minutes of been outside." And my "Ten minutes of physical activity." Goals done.

I went outside for ten minutes and I bounced the ball while pacing up and down my backyard, bonus was that it was really sunny and warm so boom two goals done at once!

I know it's not much to start off with but it's a start and I'm proud of myself. :)

I haven't showered as of yet or done any hygiene stuff but in a bit I am going to shower.
Second update:

I ended up taking a shower!!! Woohoo 🎉 I also brushed my hair and teeth!.

I ate two meals and 3 snacks!

I have a crazy obsession with cheese and crackers for some odd reason. :/ No idea what it's about but I do love me crackers. 😋

I actually met all 5 goals today!! I am beyond proud of myself 🙂

I'm still sick :/ but hopefully by tomorrow I'll be feeling better, on the brighter side my period is starting to stop!! I know that's probably tmi but it happens and I don't want to hide that fact.

Today my binder arrived!! I wore it for a few hours and I fricken love how it makes my chest a bit flatter. It might be slightly too big though but that's okay.

I'm going to head to bed pretty soon so goodnight everyone and I'll update tomorrow!

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