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Good mornin! It's currently 10:12am and I haven't slept at all.
My self-care task for the day is... "List 10 things that I like about myself." This particular task was chosen by my partner to write down and today I happened to pick it out, the idea behind it was to get me to accept some and notice "good" things about me.
Here is my list of 10 things that I like about myself, I won't lie this is harder than I thought..

1) My ability to try and take care of other people even when I'm not ok.

2) I am kind even when people don't deserve it.

3) My stubborn mindset that when I set my mind to something I don't let things stop me.

4) My personality (sometimes) more specifically the little qualities that are nice to have.

5) My eyes more specifically my eye colour and how they seem to change shades.

6) My caring and loving nature.

7) My love for taking care of animals/pets

8) My love for art and music even if I can't draw or sing good.

9) how Determined I am to push forward and get better.

10) My ability to open up and accept that this task was harder then I thought possible but I still done my very best.
It's 8:11pm, I had a two ish hour nap and woke up feeling sick with sore ribs so unfortunately I won't be showering or exercising... again... I won't lie I am disappointed and I didn't even meet my daily step count goal but I did brush my teeth and ate a meal! Well actually today I had 3 meals today!

I sat infront of my window again so I'm guessing that counts as my sunlight even though I wasn't physically outside, I did spend 5ish minutes outside later in the day but it was cold as hell and I almost fell asleep while sitting in a chair.

I guess at least I did get two well technically three of my goals done though, I'm not particularly feeling any better so I might get some more sleep and hopefully I feel better when I wake up.

Goodnight guys and sweet dreams ☺️

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