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This is going to be another quick update:

My Self Care task for today is, " Brush my hair and teeth." I have brushed my hair, I haven't brushed my teeth yet but I will do it before I go to bed.

I couldn't get my ten minutes of sunlight while been outside because it was raining all day... I did however sit infront of my window pretty much all day so it counts! :)

I ate 1 main meal and 3 snacks! I'm extremely proud of myself! 🙂

I haven't done exercise because I haven't been feeling good :/ I'm extremely disappointed in myself for that because I didn't exercise properly at all this week. (So far.)

I'm planing on taking a shower before I go to bed which will hopefully help me feel a bit better.

And I wrote in my diary so I completed that goal! :) I almost didn't update this again because of how I've been feeling but I'm sticking to it!

It's now 11:40pm, I have eaten dinner which brings it to 2 meals and 3 snacks! I just brushed my teeth and I'm in bed. :) I may go to sleep soon, I also met my daily step count which is at 3000 steps a day.

That is the minimum steps I aim to get, some days when I'm really sick I don't meet it but most days I push myself to get at least 3000 steps. I know most people say it's a minimum of 10,000 steps but someone told me that as long as I'm getting 3000 it'll be ok.

I'm disappointed that I didn't really exercise this week so when I plan out next week's goals I'm going to reflect back and work on the goals I didn't complete this week.

Pouty_toddler's Diary Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin