End of week summary: 24/03 - 31/03/21

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Woo hoo I have successfully completed another week's worth of goals!! 🎉🎉

I have had my challenges through this week however I done the best that I could and I'm super proud of myself!! :)

This past week I done a new design on the entries which looked like this:

Have I Brushed my teeth?:

Have I Brushed my hair?:

Washed my face?:

Washed my hands?:

Have I showered today?:

Did I get twenty minutes of physical activity?:

Did I get ten minutes of outside time?:

Did I practice self care? If so what did I do?:

Did I write in my diary?:

It was based on that week's goals and I think it worked for me better than I expected it to. I was pleasantly surprised on how much easier it made things and I plan on continuing it into next week.

I'm still working on next week's goals, (I plan them out a day ahead so their ready to go on the designated day.)

I was checking out exercises online and came across something called HIIT and I kind of want to try it out, if you don't know what it is it's basically doing an exercise for 45 or so seconds followed by a however many second cool down period and then continue onto the next exercise.

I found a 15 minute video that said it's for beginners and I'm planing on doing that each day, I'm fairly confident at this point that I'm going to continue on with the physical activity goal however I'm not sure if I'm going to alter the time on it yet.

I want to give HIIT a try but at this point I'm not sure if my body can physically handle it. :/

My body is aching tonight and I'm just not feeling good. :(

Hopefully tomorrow is a better day and all goes well with my new set of goals.

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