My Weekly Goals For: 16/03/2021 - 23/03/2021

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Last week I started up a list of 5 weekly goals to complete, most of them were a success and I did meet them every day. Looking back on the past week, seeing my achievements and not so good things I have decided to change up this week's goals.

My five goals for this week will be:

1) Get ten minutes of physical activity daily.

2) Practice self care every day.

3) Spend five minutes outside each day.

4) Practice good personal hygiene every day, Brush my hair, teeth. wash my face and hands.

5) Write in my Diary (This book) every day.

The first goal is decided because last week I struggled with my goal of exercising three times a week.. if I break it down into small amounts each day I'm hoping to get back into moving about more.

The second goal is a continuation of one of last week's goals, I really do think that it's important to keep up with self care.

The third goal, last week while most days I did get 'ten minutes of sunlight' it wasn't necessarily spent outside which is something I'm trying to change. Obviously on days it rains I won't be going outside so instead for those days I can sit infront of my window or under a space outside where I won't get sick if that's possible.

Goal four, since showering is/can be a difficult task for me I've decided to slowly ween myself back into it by doing smaller tasks that will assist me in practicing good hygiene.. I feel like doing simpler tasks like brushing my hair and teeth or washing my face ect will allow for me to be a bit cleaner while also getting me back into a routine.

And goal five, this one's obvious. I need to keep track of my progress and if I don't make it a goal I feel like I'm less likely to continue doing this.

Self care: Since last week's idea of draw a task out of the bag worked really well I'm going to continue on with it for this week with a new list of things. (Some of them might be similar.)

Exercise: Each day I want to spend at least 10 minutes of physical activity, wether it's walking around (Sperate from what I usually do) or cycling.

I'm looking into doing a similar things to my self care draw, instead of self care ideas maybe I can write a physical activity or exercise on pieces of paper and draw one out each day.


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These are the 7 physical activities I came up with, I know they may not seem like much but I think it'll be good for me.....

I'm hoping that this week will be a success and I learn and grow from it.

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