Goals for: 1/04/21 - 14/04/21

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The goals for this week will be:

1 Get at least twenty minutes of physical activity 6 days a week.

2 Practice good personal hygiene every day; brush my hair, brush my teeth and wash my face & hands.

3 Shower at least 2 days a week.

4 Spend ten minutes outside every day.

5 Each day, take a five minute break to just relax and breathe.

Have I gotten my twenty minutes of physical activity?:

Did I brush my hair?:

Did I brush my teeth?:

Did I wash my face?:

Did I wash my hands?:

Have I showered?:

Did I spend ten minutes outside?:

Have I taken a five minute break?:

The reason why I didn't add in self care is because each day I have been doing it and I wanted to shake things up this week, this week's goals are fairly similar to last week's.

I'm hoping to have a better and gentler week hence the 6 days of physical activity leaving a day of rest so I can recover.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2021 ⏰

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