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Have I Brushed my teeth?: ✅

Have I Brushed my hair?:✅

Washed my face?:✅

Washed my hands?:✅

Have I showered today?:❎

Did I get twenty minutes of physical activity?:✅

Did I get ten minutes of outside time?:✅

Did I practice self care? If so what did I do?: ✅

Did I write in my diary?:✅

For self care I ate lunch and took care of my personal hygiene and I watched a show! Merlin the show is pretty cool. :)

For physical activity I done 2 sessions of yoga that equaled out to 18 minutes and I walked around a lot and I done ten minutes of brisk walking too.

My yoga mat arrived today!! It's pink and extremely helpful, I'm not slipping over anymore. :) I still can't hold the Downward dog pose though :/ I'm hoping soon that I'll be able to do it.

I discovered that the yoga video I've been doing is only 9ish minutes long and so now I have to do an 11 minute session instead of two 10 minute sessions. :/ It's okie though.

Yoga is hard :/ I got told that ten minutes of it a day isn't enough and I'm kinda sad about it but I'm doing the best I can.

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