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Sophie Mae Gold

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Sophie Mae Gold

16 years old

Character traits: Introverted, shy, strong, emotional, sensitive and straight-A student

Physical traits: Brown hair, Hazel eyes, 5'5, skinny.

Enjoys: Playing Minecraft, seeing her brother, playing chess with her mum, reading, writing poems and lasagne

Childhood best friend: Charlie Smith, male, 16

Childhood best friend: Charlie Smith, male, 16

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William Gold or Wilbur Soot

24 years old

Character traits: Funny, calm, comforting, quiet, kind.

Physical traits: Curly brown hair, hazel eyes, tall (6'5), lean. 

Enjoys: Playing Minecraft, streaming on Twitch, making music, playing guitar, visiting his sister, cooking.

Best Friends: Philza Minecraft, Tommyinnit, Niachu, Tubbo, Fundy, Schlatt, etc (most of the sleepyboisinc members and minecraft members)

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