Chapter 13

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When Sophie asked us to help her organise her closet for the summer I wasn't expecting this. She came home from uni a few weeks ago and she had so much stuffed into her closet everything fell out as soon as we opened the door and her drawers won't even close. The floor is completely covered in clothes, shoes and purses. It's as if a bomb went off. And explosion of cotton, faux-leather and I don't know what else.

"What about this one?"

"Haven't worn it in over a year. Try it on Meg, I bet it would look amazing on you."

The best thing about me and some of my friends having roughly the same size is that you can borrow clothes from each other. Or in this case, get them when they no longer wear them.

Demi hands me the dress she showed to Sophie. It's a tight fitted rose-coloured dress with a deep neckline. This definitely isn't what I would normally buy, but I trust Sophie's fashion sense, she's the one that's taking design and fashion courses. I quickly put it on and show the girls.

"You look great Meg. Maybe you can wear it on your first date with Matthew."

"Who said anything about a date with Matthew? Do you know something that I don't know?"

"You tell me, Megan. You were the one wearing his shirt yesterday."

"Yeah, so? I needed a something to cover my shoulders, so I put on his shirt instead of my top."

"Oh okay, so I imagined you flirting with him? And your hand that was on his knee more than it wasn't?"

"Was it that noticeable?"

Both of them nod their heads. Damn, why cannot I ever just be subtle? Yaya always told me I was as subtle as an elephant walking through an china cabinet, turns out she wasn't exaggerating. I never told them who Matthew is. I never told them about meeting him three years ago, the chances of ever seeing him were so small, I didn't want them to get excited for something that might never happen. Now, we ran into each other again, so maybe it's time about our past.

"Okay, so I didn't tell you that I met him three years ago at a party. We talked all and flirted all night but when I had to leave we didn't exchange numbers or anything so we couldn't get in touch. I didn't even know his name. He helped me so much back then and when I saw him again, all of it came back. I'm the person I am today because of him and I will always be grateful for that. But what I wasn't expecting was that I would feel more than grateful. I fell for him. I fell hard. When I saw him that day in the kitchen, I just knew."

"This is such a Nicholas Sparks worthy story."

"Ehm, Demi, don't those movies often have a character dying?"

"Okay, maybe not that part. But the long lost love part is definitely there."

It's great that my friends are enjoying the drama surrounding my love life. Just great. It's a shame that I have to deal with the drama itself. Why is my life always such a mess?

Speaking of messes, it's time to clean up the one in Sophie's room. Lucky for her, I'm really good in organising so her closet is an easy task. It only takes me a little less than an hour to to her whole wardrobe.

After donating the pile of clothes we just cleaned out, it's time for shopping. I know, I just cleaned out a closet and now we're buying new things again. But what can I say, it's summer and I don't see my friends that much, so shopping it is.

Back home I love going to second-hand stores, yaya taught me how to sew and she gave me her old sewing machine. I love coming home with some gems and giving them a touch up.

On the island there are a lot of small stores with super cute clothes and after a few hours of walking around and ending up with a few bags of clothes, it's time to hit the bar. How else to end a girl's night than with a few bottles of wine?

A few bottles actually meant six. I don't know how we got through them so quickly and only realised how much we drank when we had to pay for it.

Maybe because Demi was flirting with a few American guys. Demi has had a thing for American guys for as long as I know her. When we're at the beach she can pick them out straight away. I don't know how she does it but she does. Of course, when she spotted three of the at the bar, she threw them enough glances for them to come over. They tried flirting with me and Sophie as well, but my mind is completely set on Matthew and Sophie is only interested in girls, so they had no luck with her either.

After getting Demi's phone number they leave again. That gives Sophie the opportunity to tell us about the girl she dated back at uni for the past few months. They broke up a few weeks ago, but I'm glad to see her doing okay. She has plenty of stories to tell and the hours pass quickly once we start telling our university stories of the past year. 

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