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Tristan's Pov

It all felt unreal.

Nothing in this moment felt real when I saw her eyes flutter closed, as I held her to my chest. I instantly felt like somebody stabbed me in the heart with an acid-dipped dagger, and I felt as her body went  limb in my arms.

"Cianna!" I called loudly, in hopes that she would hear me-- that she would open her eyes, say this is all a prank and we walk home together happily. But from sound of my colleagues shouting and the huge knife lodged in her back, I knew that it wasn't possible.

It felt like the world had stopped revolving, like I was in a vacuum as the sound of everything became silent in a single deafening ring. I felt like  I was the main silhouette in a paining, with the only highlight being the woman that was now unresponsive in my arms.

I couldn't see anything else, I couldn't hear anything else. I could only feel her frail body flushed against mine, heavy and motionless as the wound in her back drained the life from her body by the passing second.

I  felt my eyes stinging as I lifted her carefully, and my feet instinctively started moving towards the exit in a rush.  I could hear shouts from people telling me to stop, but I keep moving. I wasn't going to let her die. She couldn't.

"You'll be fine Cianna. Just hold on baby, please hold on"  I pleaded to her in her unconscious state. But it was mostly for me. I needed to believe that she was going to be okay.

I didn't even see it coming. One minute we were talking about Mia, then in another, a well known and well respected officer shoved a knife in her back.

I didn't even know how to feel or what to do. I didn't understand why, but all I could think about was getting her to safety. The sounds started to return as they got louder, and the moment I was out the door, it all came back to me.

No longer was I floating in space, where there was no sound and no one but me and her. I was back in real life, and I saw just how very real the situation was.

She could die. And there's nothing I can do about it.

I felt my knees go weak as my eyes flickered to her still unconscious body in my hands, looking so fragile and so soft with the only hint of life being the slow pulse at base of her neck.

"Detective Deckor!" I heard someone call. It wasn't the first time he'd called, but it was the first time I processed it.

I turned slightly, where I saw people rushing towards me in concern. But they weren't really rushing to me at all, but the woman who I had taken into my heart and into my arms.

I was hindering them from doing their job at saving her life by taking her away from them. So I didn't even protest when the professionals took her from my arms, leaving the cold wind to bite their bareness.

It was a good thing that S.P.D invested in having on-site EMTs and an ambulance, or this could've gone a completely different direction if  we had to wait on an ambulance instead.

She was still motionless as they gently placed her on a stretcher facing down, gently turning her head as to not suffocate her. Her beautiful face looked so calm and emotionless,  and her plump lips were slightly parted.

I knew I should've gone into that ambulance with her. I knew I should've climbed in with those EMTs and hold her hand all the way like a good boyfriend should do. But instead, I felt glued to my spot as I watched them close the door, and the blaring sound of siren echoed through the lot as they sped off.

The minute they were out of sight, I felt a feeling scourging through me that I recognized strongly from years ago.


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