Chapter 14

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"Nor..." Norway was lying on a hospital bed, deep cuts and scratches were all over his body. "W-What happened...?" I asked myself. "I told you, the person who took him away was holding a knife." Iceland said. "But why would he do this?" I was close to crying. "I don't know, Denmark," he paused, "We should call Finland and Sweden."


I walked up to where Norway was, "Yeah..." His eyes were closed, but he was still breathing. A nurse walked in, "Do you know this man?" She asked. I nodded and heard Iceland say something. "Den... this my fault..." he whispered. "No, it's not, Icey." I could see that he started crying. "Yes, it is... I was being an idiot and I overreacted. This wouldn't have happened if I just trusted Norway and stayed in the house..."


"You didn't know someone was following Norway, and you didn't know that this would happen, Iceland. This was just an accident, it wasn't your fault." I turned back to the nurse. "Will he be okay?" She sighed. "Yes. It will take awhile for him to heal, but he should be fine. His name is Lukas, right?"


"Yes." I responded. She left Norway's hospital room, leave him, Iceland, and me. "Nor, I'm so sorry..." Iceland said. "Ice, it wasn't your fault." I told him again. Sweden and Finland walked in the room, looking at Norway. Finland gasped, while Sweden just stared in shock.




I could recall being dragged away by some man... taking me to some place and hurting me. Two hours later I could hear sirens and I could see flashing lights, but it was all a blur. Not long after, I couldn't stay conscience long enough to remember what happened. But I knew I was in the hospital.


I could sense Denmark and Iceland's presence. I just couldn't acknowledge it. They were talking, saying things that I couldn't understand because I wasn't able to focus. I was going to wake up soon, but I was just so tired and I knew I needed to rest.


Knowing that Iceland was there, by my hospital bed, I was so glad that he was alright. That's all I really cared about. Not my wounds, just the fact that Iceland wasn't hurt like I was. I wanted to wake up and tell him that I was going to be okay.


I finally summoned the will to wake, slowly, my eyelids fluttered open. The first thing I saw was Denmark standing right next to me. "Denmark...?" I managed to ask. His attention focused on me, with his eyes wide. "Norway! I' m so happy you're awake!" He said, hugging me tightly. "Ow..." I whispered. "Oh, sorry." Denmark loosened his grip on me, though he didn't entirely let go. "Is Iceland okay?" I asked.


"Yes." Iceland walked up next to me, holding my hand.


((Well, I'm just going to end the chapter here. Sorry it took me a while to update, but here it is.

And, um, later in the book, maybe in like, a few more chapters, do you guys want me to write some smut? My friend says I should so I've been considering it, but I can't decide so I want you guys to help me make the decision))

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