Chapter 15

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"I'm so glad you're okay, Ice." I said to my brother. "But look at yourself, Norway. You're hurt." Iceland said. "I'll be fine. Don't worry." I forced a weak smile, though it hurt me both physically and emotionally.

He nodded, stepping back and letting Denmark hug me again. "I was so worried... that you wouldn't wake up..." He said. "Denmark, you should know that I would leave you like this." I assured him. "I know." I glanced up as a nurse walked in.

"He should be able to go home in an hour or two. We just need to get him some pain killers and anti-biotics." She said. I nodded, just noticing how much pain I was feeling.

~Time Skip~

After we got my medication, the five of us drove back to the house. It wasn't the most comfortable ride I've had, considering I had cuts everywhere. I was exhausted; I needed sleep. Denmark let me lean my head on his shoulder and let me try to nap, but the car was too noisy.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, we arrived at the house. I was close to falling asleep, so Denmark carried me into the house. "Wow, you never fall asleep in the car." He said. "I couldn't sleep in the car..." I complained. "Really? You looked like you were sleeping to me." Denmark smiled. "Whatever." I was just too tired to talk or do anything.

He set me down on the soft mattress in his room, kissing my forehead and lying down next to me. "Feel better, Norge." He said softly.

((Short chapter, I know. ANYWAY, I got the thing to stop with the random dots in between paragraphs. Yeah. Those were unintentional))

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