Bloggers & Butterflies

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Azzy's Pov

"I can't believe this is on the internet. I thought I was alone." Austin said to me and Ally. I was sitting on the counter, like usual

You're probably confused as to what he's talking about, so let me explain.

We were at Sonic boom, like always, and there was a headline that read 'Austin Eats Pants Sundae'. And that's what he's freaking out about right now.

"Austin, you know there's no eating in the store..." Ally started.

"And there's definitely no eating off your pants." I finished for her.

"There's no sign for that." He can't be serious.

"There shouldn't have to be a sign for that." Ally told him.

Trish walked in wearing a pirate costume. Either she's early for halloween, or she got a new job. It's probably the second option.

"Guess who got a job at Pirate Frank's Fish Fry. Where every meal is a parrrty." she said. Yep I guessed right. And where is Dez?

She removed her eyepatch and continued. "This is the worst job I've ever had. I smell like fish guts. And guess who my new co-worker is." She must really not like her new co-worker.

"Ahoy, maytees!..." Dez said walking in, also dressed as a pirate. Oh! That's why Trish hates her new co-worker.

".. I just got hired at Pirate Frank's, where every meal is a parrrty. I can't wait to starrrt. I can save up to buy a carrr..." Thank you Trish for shutting him up.

"Guys, we've got bigger problems. This blog." Austin said, bringing the topic back to the blog.

I felt bad for Austin. He did get caught doing something embarrassing. Disgusting, but embarrassing.

So I grabbed his hand and gave it a small squeez for comfort. He smiled at me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Oh, I know that one. Miami H8ter Girl. She writes about everything she hates in Miami. She's so angry and bitter. I love her." Trish explained.

"Well, right now all she hates is Austin. I mean look at all these embarrassing videos she posted..." Ally said and we all looked at the laptop. Austin's arm never left my shoulder. "... Austin with broccoli in his teeth..." Wow. "... Austin biting his toenails.." Okay gross. Why would you do that in public? "... Austin checking out a girl."

"Okay. Wait. What's wrong with that last one? He always checks out girls." I said. I was genuinely confused. I mean it true. He always does that.

"Just watch." Ally said and played the video.

The video showed Austin walking out of Billl's Surf Shop, and walking towards two girls. He turned his head in their direction. Then he bumped into a pilar.

I let out a laugh, but quickly put my hand over my mouth. Austin turned to look at me and gave me a small glare.

"That was so embarrassing... Trish did you just click 'like'?" he asked her when she pressed the button.

"Hey. Funny is funny." she defended.

"She's right." I got another glare from Austin.

I was now at the food court with Austin and Ally. I only went with them because they offered me food.

"I can't believe there's and anonymous bloggers who hates me." Austin said.

"Don't worry. H8ter Girl's website only has 47 hits..." Ally said trying to assure him. But it didn't work. Her laptop dinged. ".. 112 hits..." It dinged again. "... 1059..." It dings twice. ".. Okay, maybe you should worry." She said and finally closed the laptop.

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