Beauties & Bullies

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Azzy's Pov

We were all at the store today.

Ally and Trish were reading magazines, I was on the counter writing a new song. And the boys were doing something weird.

And I just know it's weird, cause we can hear metal clanging.

"Um... Dez? What are you doing?" I asked, putting my book down.

"Trying out for the school play tomorrow. I'm auditioning for the role of... Blacksmith." Dez said.


"Lat time I checked, there was no Blacksmith in 'Sleeping Beauty'." Trish said.

We walked over to them.

"Aww! I guess I ruined this trumpet for nothing." Dez said.


"I'm trying out too. I'm gonna be playing Prince Carmine. Hey, sleeping beauty! Don't make me kiss you! Oh!" Austin said.

I giggled at him.

"Austin, it's not Prince Carmine. It's Prince Charming." Ally said.


"I knew that."

Sure he did.

"I'm auditioning for the role of sleeping beauty." Ally said.

"Well, you're not gonna get it, cause I'm trying out too." Trish said.

Ooh, this just got interesting. I only knew about Ally auditioning. Never knew Trish was going for the same role.

"Ooh, two best friends going after the same role and only one can get the part..." Jax said.


"It's not a big deal. Whoever's better will get the part. No hard feelings. But it's gonna be me." Ally said.

"Oh ho ho ho!" "Snap!" "Ooh!" All three boys said.

Damn. Shots fired.

"I don't think so." Trish said, following Ally.

We followed too.

"Please, I know my lines backwards and forwards. 'I am sleeping beauty and that is my castle. Castle my is that and beauty sleeping am I'." Ally said.


And this is why Jax and I stuck with working backstage.

"I am not impressed. Impressed not am I. Now let me show you how a pro does it. This is how you play sleeping beauty." Trish said.

We followed her to the seating area.

She layed down on one of the benches and we stood around her.

Then Austin moved his hand over her face and she didn't flinch.

"I think she's actually sleeping." Austin said.

Dez got some cymbals and crashed them together.


All Trish did was snore.

"Wow, she's good. Real good."

"Yeah, you're not gonna beat that." I said.

We were all in the auditorium at school, when Coach Simmons blew on his whistle.

We all turned to him.

"Thanks for auditioning for Sleeping Beauty, everyone. Great hustle out there today. Unfortunately, you can't all make the team. So, playing the role of Prince Charming is... Dez."

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