Chapter 15: What a surprise

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Treys POV
I seen two cute girls staring at us before the bell rang for whatever period.

I think they have a thing for us I said to my friend Blake.

Do you know who they are I asked curious.

OH MY GOD that is Makayla and Sarah the two youngest WWE divas of all time he said jumping up and down like a girl but he quickly stopped when everyone started to stare.

Dude calm down I said looking at him weirdly.

Sorry he said blushing of embarrassment.

They go to our school this is so freaking awesome, I have always wanted to meet them Blake said getting excited again.

Lets go get an autograph from them cause we are in the same classes as them he said jumping around again.

Okay fine Blake damn you're such a fangirl.

Sarah's POV
We sat down at our desks to see those cute boys walking toward us.

Hi it is so nice to meet you Makayla and Sarah one of them said excited.

Makayla and I looked at each other then back up at them and at each other again.

Okay and why are you so happy to see us Makayla asked with a strange look on her face.

Well we watch you two on WWE and I am a big fan of both of you so can I please have an autograph he said jumping.

Makayla whispered in my ear saying even when he is being weird he is still so cute.

I giggled at her then I turned back around to answer his question.

Sure you can have our autograph I said annoyed.

I took the paper and sharpie out of his hand so me and Makayla could sign then we noticed that the paper had our picture on it.

I opened the sharpie and signed ѕαrαhand Makayla signed mαkαчlα we gave him back the paper putting a fake smile on our faces.

Here you go we hope you enjoy that I said a lil disappointed.

Oh I will thank you both so much oh I'm Blake by the way and this is Trey.

Nice to meet you both me and Makayla said at the same time then giggled.

They both sat in the seats behind us and math had started.

While the teacher was writing the problem 5w+45=109  I turned to Makayla and whispered The boys that we like only came up to us just for an autograph I said annoyed.

I know right but my dad told me to not get your hopes up cause it happens Makayla said sadly.

Well what a surprise we both said at the same time then giggled and we made the teacher turn around to look at us.

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