Chapter 26

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Robert's POV

I've never been away from my precious Mary doll for so long before. It's driving me crazy. It has been months, and Mei is still having me run around doing her dirty work for her. She sent me and a group of her loyal disciples to take over some of the european countries starting with Spain, but we were slowly starting to move on towards Italy.

Gritting my teeth together in annoyance, I stared into the window of some random guy. Supposedly he was in charge of the local mail that traveled all throughout the country. Who fuckin' cares. At this pace it's going to take years before I can go back to America and get Mary back.

I should have just made a bunch of newborns and let them reap havoc over all the Cullens. It would have been much faster, but way too messy. I can't risk the Volturi learning about her. It would only create more problems. For now I just have to play for the long game.

I'm doing this for you, Mary. Be grateful.

My pocket began to buzz and vibrate, Dai was calling me. It wasn't time for him to call me yet...Quickly answering the phone I put it up to my ear while keeping my eyes on the human in the window.

"What's wrong?"

"I made contact. Some humans attacked her, and though improbable, she seemed quite drunk and out of control." His voice held no concern, it was merely a report. So far it brought me peace that he had no interest in my Mary Doll, but this incident was a mess.

I already knew about Mary's weaknesses since I'm the one that did it to her, but I couldn't very well spew that information out half-hazerdly now that she was out and about in the world. For reasons just like this happening. I knew the Cullens were useless. This merely proves only I am capable of looking after her. The world is infecting her, and everyday it makes me more and more sick and disgusted.

I'll have to cleanse her once I get my hands on her again.

"What's the point of having the ability of Stealth if you are just going to expose yourself?...No matter. Kill the humans, but don't eat them. I don't want to raise any suspicions. The last thing we need is the Volturi putting their nose where it doesn't belong."

"Anything else?" He sounded bored, but he wasn't as annoying to talk to as Mei's other fools. At least Dai keeps me in touch with my reason for existing.

"Yes, I need you to deliver something for me."

Mary's POV

These are the softest and most comfortable clouds in the whole wide world. They smell of Lavender, just like Mommy, and feel so amazing to lounge over. I could stay here forever and ever and ever. Snuggling my face deeper and deeper into absolute bliss I suddenly heard a soft voice talking to me.

"If you cuddle any closer you'll be inside of me."

Suddenly the cloud started to feel more like a shape with curves, dips, and everything. My eyes quickly darted open once I realized that cloud was not a cloud. Slowly lifting my head up from her chest, Alice was smiling down at me.

"Mommy?" I questioned. What was she doing here? Where did my cloud go?

Slowly sitting up I looked around the slightly familiar room trying to piece together my brain. Where am I?

Scanning my eyes around the room, I recognized the walls that I had painted and the very familiar window that was now covered with curtains. Either it's night time or those curtains are doing a really good job.

This is my room. That's right! Mommy and Daddy put together all the furniture and finished decorating it. Everything looked amazing. There was a small white desk that was mostly empty, but had a notebook and some of my pencils. There was a bookshelf right next to it that only had a few books. I didn't own very many books, mostly just coloring books so far, but hopefully I can fill it up.

The ceiling was lit up with tiny little star lights to make the painted night sky pop, and there were colorful small flower lights along the bottom of the walls to help decorate the painted forest on the walls. It looked like a wonderland in here. Just like I imagined.

Alice and I laid on a giant rainbow colored flower that easily fit the two of us on it. It felt so fuzzy and soft, both of our bodies practically sank into it.

"How did you sleep, Sweetheart?"

"Sleep?" What does she mean by sleep? I can't slee....

Memories of the bar.. the humans.. the hospital

... and the vampire

It all came rushing back into my head. Carlisle laid me down in the hospital bed to relax, and then...

and then.. nothing. It's all blank.

Was I really asleep? But that's impossible.

Tears began to well up in my eyes as I felt my dreams of soft clouds slip away into dust.


She sat up to wrap her arms around me and hold me close while I sat in her lap. She gently swept her thumb under my eyes while cupping my face, to wipe away any stray tears.

"I don't know, but Carlisle will find answers when he gets back. Everything is going to be okay."

She comforted me for a while until I finally stopped crying. I willed myself to stop not wanting to test her patience any further. Her and Jasper have already done more than what I would expect out of anyone. Honestly, I am not sure I expect anything out of anyone. Besides maybe punishments.


Swallowing hard, I began to twist at my fingers nervously. "A-Am I going to be punished?"

I would rather know now. I can't stand to sit and wait to see if her mood will change out of the blue. That is so much worse than just getting it over with.

She raised an eyebrow, and watched me for a long moment before relaxing again "Yes, but not until Jasper comes back home and Carlisle finishes examining you. You'll have to write 100 lines in your notebook."

"Lines?" Was this some kind of trick? Writing in a notebook isn't a punishment is it? I know we had talked about it before when going over rules and punishments, but I didn't think they were serious.

"You'll have to write the sentence 'I will not run away' 100 times, but if you'd like I can talk to Jasper to bump it down to 80." She pet my hair while I stared up at her dumbfounded.

"N-No, that's okay. I can do 100 lines."

A big smile grew across her face as she hugged me close to her chest. "That's my good girl."

I slowly hugged her back and tried not to move. This is uncomfortable. There is no way that she is not lying to me.

Something is wrong.

Hello everyone! Sorry this chapter is so short and coming to you so late. I had finals this past week and after writing a 17 page research paper I wanted a tiny break from writing. I had a bunch of ideas to how I wanted this chapter to go so I hope you guys like the idea that I stuck with. I want this story to progress a bit further so you guys can expect a big time jump coming soon. <3

Finding Mary (Jasper x OC x Alice)Where stories live. Discover now