Chapter 13

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In the morning I had my talk with Carlisle, which Jasper and Alice apparently weren't allowed to go to. Carlisle said it's because he didn't want their presence to influence me too much which I understand, but I was still allowed to bring Detective Grey so it wasn't too scary. We spent most of the time just getting to know each other. He told me a lot about himself, and all about the Volturi and how he used to be a part of them. They sounded really scary so I wasn't itching to meet any of them anytime soon. Thankfully Carlisle didn't ask me any questions about Robert today he said he just wanted to get to know me like my favorite color, or any hobbies I had. It took awhile for me to answer him. Not because I was getting shy, well maybe a little, but I didn't know how to answer. Even though I did say that my favorite color was blue it still seemed wrong and I left his office regretting some of my answers. Robert's favorite color was blue so it had to be mine too, right? Once I saw Alice and Jasper a lot of those worries went away.

Alice said that she had an art project she needed to work on today with a classmate of hers. I offered to help, but she said it's not a good idea for me to be too close to humans. I thought she was being over-dramatic at the time, but as I found myself with my face pressed against the glass and starting to drool I think she may have been onto something. I stared outside at Alice and the random man working together on their art project. I missed Alice, and the man's scent was starting to become overwhelming to my senses.

Jasper walked up behind me and placed his hands on my shoulders. He looked outside at Alice for a moment before smiling down at me. I looked up at him upside down with a pout on my lips that made him chuckle.

"Come on sweetheart let's get something in your tummy that's not him."

I nodded reluctantly and turned around so I could face him properly. Before I could think straight I had raised my arms up to him and started opening and closing my hands trying to grab for him. He looked shocked which made me hesitate and start to feel a little embarrassed but he quickly scooped me up into his arms and placed me on his hip. My embarrassment quickly vanished once I was in his arms. Alice and Jasper spent a lot of time holding me or carrying me, and I was getting used to it. Especially since I felt so safe in their arms.

"You fit so well in my arms, don't you little girl?" He cooed at me while walking towards the kitchen. I started giggling and bouncing in his arms. "I do! I do!" He chuckled and kissed my forehead gently.

I was still in my bunny onesie from yesterday, and it was so comfy I felt as though I could keep it on forever. Alice said she wanted to do a fashion show with me later so that I could try on all the clothes they got me and I could pick out the ones that I liked the best. I am really excited for it, and wished the human would leave already so she could come back.

Jasper set me down on the kitchen counter, and a hardly audible whimper left my lips from the loss of contact with him. I barely noticed it, but he seemed to have heard it.

"It's okay, Bunny. I'm not going anywhere." He pet the top of my head while leaving kisses all over my face to make me start giggling. "How about you help me prepare your sippy cup for you. Alice and I got you all different kinds." He turned around to open a cupboard and started taking out all kinds of cups of different sizes, shapes, and colors. Some of them had straws and other ones had a nozzle with tiny holes in it. It kind of reminded me of a nipple on baby bottles except these were made out of hard plastic. I thought it was a little odd he was giving me sippy cups. I assumed when Carlisle gave me one yesterday that it was because they didn't have any other cups. Though odd I didn't mind it either. Most of my attention was on the different pictures that were on all the cups.

I noticed that some of the cups had the same princesses on it from the cup I had yesterday. I didn't know any of them, but so far I was more drawn to the one that had long brown hair and yellow dress. Maybe my favorite color is yellow? She didn't look anything like me, but I still found her the prettiest and the most interesting. I pointed to the cup that had her on it, and Jasper told me I made a good choice. He put all the other cups away, and started filling the chosen cup full of the animal blood that was so yucky. It was all fun and games until he handed the cup over to me so I could drink it. I let out a soft groan while staring down at the cute cup that was placed in my hands.

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