Chapter 14

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Robert POV

I miss my little, Mary doll. I pulled out a picture of her that I keep in my wallet, one of many, and ran my fingers across her face. Can I blame her for wanting to spread her wings a little and venture out into the world?


Yes I can.

What happened to only wanting me? What had happened to me being the only adventure she needed? Now she's off with not only one but two so-called 'mates'. Those heathens are probably filling her little head with lies right this very moment. Their ugly golden eyes are a sign of their not so favorable diet, and I know that my little Mary could never survive solely on animal blood alone. She'll come crawling back to me eventually.

The old woman sitting across the aisle from me on the plane leaned over to peer at my Dolly.

Nosey bitch.

I internally glared at her for daring to look at what is mine, but I put on a kind smile. This plane is full of humans, and these brown contacts will only go so far. I need to act the part too.

"You are lucky to have such a beautiful young lady. Is that your wife?" she asked me.


I tried not to look too shocked by the question, as to not raise any suspicion with the old hag. Why hadn't I thought of this sooner. I've claimed her in almost every way except one. Marriage. Holy matrimony. No wonder she ran off. What kind of man doesn't propose after 84 years? No matter. Chuckling softly I shook my head at the woman.

"No, not yet. Though I plan to propose to her very soon."

I didn't need to fake my smile anymore. Soon I will see my sweet doll dressed up all in white, wishing for me to take her away like she once did oh so long ago.

The woman smiled back at me, and wished me the best before returning to her movie that was playing on the back of the chair placed in front of her. I returned my focus back down to my beloved who fit perfectly well in the palm of my hand. Soon I will get my Mary doll back, and claim her all over again. This is just the dawn of a new era in our relationship. In my eyes we have always been married, but I should have known she would want more. Selfish girl.

My connections in Japan will see to it that Mary and I will have a place to stay when she does choose to finally come running back to me.

Or I go fetch her...Whichever one comes first.

Although the Volturi are the most popular, they are not the only rule enforcers in the world. In Japan there is another coven that is just as powerful, but has chosen to stay hidden in the shadows. They know how to stay off everyone's radar, especially the Volturi, and they have their own sense of peace. Mei, the clan leader, envisions a world dominated by vampires. Not the secretive world that the Volturi want us all to lead. Mei knows how to stay hidden, but she also knows how to make herself known. She is merciless, yet fair when it comes to her people.

Mei Fujinaga is the clan leader for the infamous Yakuza. Of course many don't know that, but she is the one that runs it all. Her vampire ability is Suggestion. She is capable of sprouting ideas in someone's mind so they will think that they came up with the idea all on their own. The downside to her ability is that it takes time for her to successfully plant an idea. Ideas come and go in everyone's head all the time that doesn't mean we act on all of them. The longer Mei spends in someone's mind, the more likely the planted ideas will come to fruition.

She does this with the figure heads she put in charge for the public-eye. Over the years the Yakuza has spread throughout almost all of Japan. They are in charge of pachinko parlors, banks, grocery stores, the mail, and just about everything else.

I never thought I would have to use that old business card, but it is not a secret that the Volturi have an eye on the Cullen clan for their abilities. Just like they always had an eye on me for mine. Making that phone call meant a lot of things. My freedom to belong only to myself would be stripped away, but it would ensure that I get Mary back. That is all I want. Yet, I was already annoyed from talking with Mei earlier.

(Flashback to phone call with Mei)

"Ara ara, I thought you said you would never speak to me again." I could hear the laughter and teasing in her voice, and it had already started to bug the hell out of me.

"I never planned to until now. I need a favor."

"Hmmm, a favor? You know what that means for you."

"...Yes, I know." I could hear her smiling through the phone.

"Good, I can't wait to see your head on the floor begging me to let you serve me."

"You already know that that is not going to happen." I deadpanned.

"Ohhh, don't sound like that. I was only teasing. We can discuss details when you arrive. My men will fetch you at the airport when you land." She hung up before I could say anything else.

(Flashback finished)

I'll find another way if she really thinks that I'm going to become her lap dog. But at the moment I'm clueless to any other options I might have. Mei is going to make my life hell, but it'll be worth it to get Mary back. I ran my thumb over her picture for the millionth time, remembering the feel of her skin against my own. Mmmmm.

Marriage... The very thought of you signing your soul away to me makes my pants tighten. Your mind and body are already mine, but with marriage I will own your soul too. Through marriage the whole world will know you belong only to me. Even your stupid mates will have to acknowledge it.

I can already picture it. The entire Cullen clan witnessing your love for me. You, giving yourself to me. Not only because I am your only choice, but the better choice as well. I'll make those two degenerate mates of yours watch everything. Not killing them right away will be difficult, but watching them break will be worth it. We'll have a new anniversary video to cherish together.

The tent in my pants was growing faster, and it was starting to become uncomfortable as my member begged to be set free. Before my, not so little, problem could get any worse I stood up from my seat and squeezed my way through the narrow aisles to reach the restroom. As soon as the lock clicked into place my pants were down, and my throbbing member was pulsing in my hand. Mary's beautiful eyes were watching me, and that only drove me more wild.

I reached into my jacket pocket and pulled out some of her long blonde hair that was tied together in a blue ribbon. I have several. I always need a little piece of my Mary doll whenever we are apart. It felt heavenly caressing my member with each strand, the ends of her hair getting soaked with my love for her. I bet she can feel me aching for her right in this moment. Just like I know she is going mad missing my touch. Begging for me to take her back, and punish her until she becomes a blubbering mess.

I pressed my back further against the restroom walls trying to restrain myself from breaking anything. "Fuck, Mary do you see how much I'm suffering for you?" I grunted lowly while staring straight into her formerly blue eyes. Oh, How I loved those eyes. Those were the eyes that made me fall for you. I remember them staring up at me while I took your innocence for the first time. You cried tears of joy that day as you did for several years, every time we made love.

A deep growl resonated deep in my throat as the pace of my hand grew faster, and the frayed hairs wrapped around me, clung for dear life.

You can be my good girl again, Mary. I know you're just too dumb to see through their lies. I'll save you, Mary. I'll save you all over again.

Soon my Mary doll was marked by my seed once more as the picture dripped my overwhelming love for her onto the floor. 

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