Chapter 6

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After my new mates, Jasper and Alice, told me that the year was 2020 I didn't take it very well. Actually I ran off into a random bedroom down the hall, and went straight into someone's closet, and shut the door. My anxiety trampled over any embarrassment I felt about the situation. I know Dr. Carlisle and my mates put me in a different room for some sense of privacy, but I know everyone in the house was listening. Vampire hearing sucked because I could hear all of their worried conversations, but I lowered my hearing to a human level to give them privacy.

Well I mainly did it so things would be quiet. I'm not used to hearing so many different voices, or smelling all these new scents, or even seeing a window. That's probably why I stuffed myself in this closet like an old dress, because it was windowless, and had 4 walls. A lot like the 4 walls that I spent 84 years trying to escape.

After taking off my white furry shawl and my heels I hugged my knees tightly to my chest. Everyone that I knew was certainly dead by now, but here I was still living on. I'm not supposed to be here, and I definitely didn't choose to be here. It's subtle but even the way they talked was different, and most certainly more modern.

I was brought out of my thoughts by a soft knock at the closet door. I didn't say anything, too scared by the chance that it might be Robert coming to get me. The door slowly opened to reveal Jasper and Alice standing over me. The tension in my shoulders quickly dissipated, and my body already calming at the presence of my mates. Having mates, especially two, is a completely new concept I will have to get used to. They both sat down on floor on either side of my, jasper on my left and Alice on my right.

"You've been in here for a few hours. We're worried about you." Alice spoke gently.

"You can always talk to us about anything." Jasper encouraged.

I mulled it over in my head a couple of times before squeezing my legs a bit tighter against my chest.

"I'm scared." My voice came out soft and quiet, but they seemed to have heard me okay. "Everyone I've ever known is gone. I spent 84 years trying to escape Robert, and now that I have... part of me wants to go back. I-I know that sounds stupid, but I grew accustomed to my room there. That room was my entire world for so long, and now I'm not sure how to live without it. Everything around me is so confusing and different. Even the trees smell different."

I slowly started crying as I spoke while they both rubbed my arms and back comfortingly while they listened to me speak. My eyes were transfixed on the wooden floor that we all sat on.

"When I was there I knew it wasn't the 1930's anymore, but having to pretend that it was meant that I could pretend that everyone I knew was alive and well. Maybe even searching for me." They both wrapped their arms completely around me while I sobbed. Even after I stopped crying it was still quiet for several minutes, but they never let go of me or ever stopped trying to comfort me. Eventually Jasper shifted, and pulled my chin up so I could look him in the eyes.

"We will always be here for you. We can't change what has happened, but you do belong here I can promise you that."

Alice pulled me to look up at her, and she had the most precious smile on her face.

"He's right. All of us will help make this transition easier for you, and it may take some time but I believe in you."

I'm so happy to have met both of them. I really do look forward to learning more about Alice and Jasper, because I never want to leave their side. Everything still seems extremely scary, but I'm glad I don't have to go through it alone.

"Alice... we are mates, right?"

Alice tilted her head in confusion as she blinked down at me. "Of course sweet girl. What's on your mind?"

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