Chapter 29

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Mary's POV

I don't know how, but these letters from Robert seem to always find a way to me. In my room, in the shower, on the roof...

There is no stopping him.

The more letters I receive the further away I draw back from my mates. Robert's threats towards them scare me more than his intentions for me. I have not felt the tingling sensation only my mates can bring for over a month.

I miss them so much. Letting them hold me, kiss all over my face, or even just cuddling. I want to touch them so bad. Even if it's just an accidental brush of our shoulders. Anything!

Robert seems to know everything, and I cannot risk my mates' safety. To be honest I have been thinking of running away. Somewhere Robert will never hurt Jasper and Alice so they can be safe from my horrible world. All of the Cullens would be safer with me gone.

Even my relationship with Carlisle seems strained. It's been a while since he ran tests on me, and all he says is

'I'm still working on it. I will hopefully have answers soon.'

It's been months and months. When and what does 'soon' even mean?

They know something that I do not. I just know it. Even with all of this new found freedom, I still feel trapped. At least now I can stick my head out the window, or climb up to the roof.

A luxury I'm currently taking advantage of.

All of the Cullens have been extra vigilant since the incident with those humans. Do they see me differently now?

What a silly question. They obviously do.

Everything just feels different now.

"If you think any harder your brain will turn to dust."

My eyes burst open from surprise to be met with the somewhat familiar red eyes of the mystery man.

So he is real...

I was frozen in place, not sure whether I should run or stay put.

"Who are you?"

He has not shown himself since the incident. I was truly starting to believe that I imagined him. Maybe I am still imagining him. He remained silent, only staring back at me.

"Are you real?"

This question seemed to amuse him. Once standing I could see his full outfit. A pair of black baggy shorts paired with a tight sleeveless turtleneck. I slowly sat u p, the wind gently blowing at my hair. He scanned the area around us, the roof has great views, but he seemed to be looking for something in particular.

Ignoring all my questions, "Let's play a game."

I perked up at the mention of a game. Holding Grey close to me I stood up onto my feet.

"What game?"

He turned toward me and smiled. "Hide and seek. I will hide first."

Before I could say anything else, he vanished. My eyes were glued to him, he didn't run off somewhere, he just...vanished.

So fast

Turning all around I had no clue where to begin, which direction should I try first. Heightening my sense of sight and smell I scanned around again.

Nothing. He must be a ghost.

My head snapped to the left at the sound of a branch breaking in the distance.

Finding Mary (Jasper x OC x Alice)Where stories live. Discover now