Chapter 2

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 I'm going to do it this time. I'm going to escape. What if I fail like last time? My mind flashed to the last time I tried to escape, and my mother being killed. Everyone that I ever knew is probably dead now, and my mom was the last of my family. He couldn't possibly punish me any worse. I can not sit here and pretend like I don't exist like he wants me to. I scrubbed my body harder and faster until I felt clean enough... or at least to where I could no longer pick up his scent anymore. I will never truly be clean ever again.

I turned off the water after washing every inch of my body. Grabbing a black fluffy towel from the towel rack I began drying myself off in record time. As I started towel drying my hair I stared at the blow dryer longingly and knew I couldn't use it. It was far too loud and I didn't have the time anyway. Hopefully vampire speed will dry my hair for me. I dropped the towel and quickly moved out of the bathroom, light on my feet. Aside from the shower I just couldn't risk any loud noises. He was very clear on being quiet and non-existent. Adrenaline was flowing through me as well as my anxiety. If I wasn't a vampire, getting ready would have taken too long and would have been impossible. I probably would have opted to escape in my nightgown. I had to wait for Robert to leave the house so I might as well get dolled up in the mean time. I heightened my hearing sense to make sure I could hear him move around the house and I could tell that he was still home. I tiptoed at vampire speed to my closet to pull out my lingerie, corset, a black off the shoulder long sleeve dress, and a white fur shawl. It wasn't the most inconspicuous but it will have to do. Believe it or not all of my other clothes were far too flashy or tight fitted to escape in. The dress that I picked out was the few that I had with a flowy loose fitted skirt, the dress reached just passed my knees so I'll have no problems running. Comfortable escape clothes were not something Robert had considered when he went shopping for me.

Putting on panties and a petticoat I started on my corset. I worked on tightening the laces as fast as I could, fumbling around with them. Once finished I checked my figure in the long mirror mounted to the wall. I think I can tie my waist tighter now since breathing was no longer an issue. A huge smile had cracked my serious face as I covered my mouth trying to stifle a laugh. 'Of course! Why didn't I consider this when I was human? The key to a slimmer waist was to become a vampire!' I lightly bonked myself on the head as if this solution was available my whole life. 'Silly me!' My laughter ceased as I just smiled to myself in the mirror. Examining my body starting from my bare feet to my head. My hair wasn't wet anymore thanks to my wooshing about. Though it did look dreadful like I stuck my head out of a car window... When I get free, and I will, I'm going to stick my head out of a car window. Out of all the windows! I giggled quietly to myself as I started heating my curling iron and sat down at my vanity. Robert had gotten me one that heats up on its own and has lots of different settings. How nice of him making it easier for me to escape. As I waited, I applied my makeup in the mirror. Nothing too much. Just some foundation and blush to look a little less like vampire. Once my cheeks looked rosy, I applied a lip gloss and leaned back in my chair to review my face. My nerves started to come back as I considered going a little further with my makeup. The curling iron wasn't heated all the way yet so I quickly applied some mascara and eyeliner. Once that was done, I brushed through my long blonde hair and began curling. Alive or dead I was going to look good about it.

After I finished putting waves in my hair and pinning my curls in place, I heard a door open and close. Robert left to go meet the Volturi, wherever that was. My mental clock started ticking as my time was now limited. I quickly finished my hair and pulled on my dress. I chose this snow-white fur shawl because I had torn it open and made hidden pockets inside of it. This was before... the last time I wore this shawl my mom was still alive and living her life. There was no time to mourn her right now. I shoved some of my belongings in the shawl pocket like my diary and some jewelry that I could sell later to get back on my feet. I slid on my diamond and pearl necklace and bracelets. Just In case I need to sell them too. Throwing on my shawl I checked myself in the mirror one last time just to realize I forgot my stockings and heels.

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