Chapter 9

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Trigger Warning: This chapter will have a lot of foul language, and toxic relationship context. 

Mary's POV

It's almost midday, and if Alice's prediction is true then Robert will be arriving at any moment. Bella and Edward had left to be with their daughter. I don't think Edward wanted to be any part of this. I still don't understand what I did to make him not like me.

Everyone seems pretty confident and not at all worried about Robert. Maybe they believe they have strength in numbers. Many of them do have amazing abilities, but I don't want there to be a fight. Fighting means people will get hurt, and that is the last thing I want. I'm jealous of their unwavering confidence, but I know first hand that Robert could subdue any of us in the blink of an eye.

Everyone was in the living room talking about strategies, and what might happen when Robert arrives. I didn't join them. I told Jasper and Alice that I wanted some time to myself, but in reality I wanted to sneak away. I had devised a plan of my own that won't involve Robert meeting any of them. For the first time in a long long time I feel confident in something. There is no doubt in my mind that I want to stay with the Cullens and my mates. I don't want to risk Robert hurting any of them.

I snuck out of one of the already opened windows on the second floor, and jumped down to the soft ground. I was hardly audible, but I was still nervous that one them might hear me leaving and try to stop me. After a second of waiting to see that no one had heard me I darted out into the forest. I heightened my sense of smell to have an easier time catching onto Robert's very unmistakable scent. I spent over 80 years with the man, there is no way I would forget it. My confidence began to waiver once I actually caught onto his scent only a few miles away from the house. He was close. Too close. I stopped, and looked all around me. His scent was nauseatingly strong, and the more I looked at my surrounding the more I noticed how lost I was. I don't know these woods well enough... There is no way I could find my way back to the Cullens. I'm so stupid for coming out here on my own. This half-baked plan was riddled with problems, and they were starting to show.

The more I tried to grasp onto the confidence I once had, the more it slipped through my fingers. Clutching my hands close to my chest my eyes darted all around me, at every flying insect, and every flowing leaf. I didn't need special abilities to heighten my senses, my paranoia was doing that for me.

Suddenly a cloud of cigarette smoke blew over my shoulder from behind me. My body stilled, completely and utterly frozen. He's here...

I slowly turned around to come face to face with a very unamused Robert. He took another drag from his cigarette, blowing the smoke into my face. He looked as clean and stunning as he always had. His medium length dark black hair slicked back, and he only needed a suit jacket to match his black collared shirt and black pants that he wore. It seemed as though the dirt of the world avoided him completely. His bright red eyes more piercing than I've ever seen them before.

He's angry. Why wouldn't he be? I broke a lot of rules, ran away, and he came all the way out here searching for me. His presence alone was suffocating, and I waited in anticipation for the strike that I know that I deserved. I wonder if Alice has seen a vision of me here, or maybe Jasper can feel my fear all the way at the house. I wish they were here with me.

"Your filthy..." He said while eyeing me up and down. I looked down at myself to see I still wasn't wearing any shoes, and I was still wearing Jasper's hoodie and Alice's sweatpants.

He looked a bit disgusted, but didn't make any further comments, which was surprising.

"Come." He ordered while turning away, expecting me to follow him. "You need a bath, and I'll buy you new clothes."

I started following him instinctively, but stopped in my tracks after a few steps. I put my hands down by my sides, and clenched them tightly to the point they were shaking. Shaking out of determination and fear.

"N-No." It came out as a very soft whisper, but it was enough to stop him in his tracks. The weight of the situation was heavy on my shoulders, and I almost started regretting it. Almost.

"Do you want to repeat that, Doll?"

I need to stand my ground. He needs to know that I'm not going to go with him, and he needs to move on from his obsession with me. I swallowed hard, and spoke up.


In a blur he was in front of me, his eyes on fire, and the very familiar strike to my cheek sent me to the forest floor. The skin on skin contact sounded hard and echoed throughout the trees. An inevitable whimper left my lips as he stalked closer to me, and crouched down in front of me. I scooted away from him just to quickly meet a thick and sturdy tree trunk pressed against my back.

He snuffed out his cigarette on the tree trunk only a couple inches away from my head. "You've been a bad girl, Mary. I suppose that's my fault though...."

I looked up at him surprised. Robert has never admitted that he was wrong before. Not once. I cupped the cheek that he had hit, the pain radiating through my head. If I was still human the slap would have killed me. Maybe he's done some self-growth after realizing I was gone. So far he has been a lot kinder since the last time that I tried running away.

"Clearly I didn't teach you well enough the first few times."

Any glimmer of hope that I had was quickly washed away. He moved his hand up to strike me again, but before he could hit me a hand grabbed onto his wrist to stop him. We both looked up to see a very scary looking Jasper glaring daggers right through Robert's face. Before Robert could even move, Jasper sent him flying away from the both of us.

Jasper kneeled down beside me and pulled my hand away from my cheek. His face softened when looking at me, but his lips were still pulled down into a frown. He examined my injured cheek even though it would heal very soon since I'm a vampire. His eyes were filled with worry and I desperately wanted to see his smiling face again.

"J-Jasper.." My eyes welled up with tears, and I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck. He wrapped an arm around me while his other hand pet my hair.

"It's alright now, Mary. I got you." He spoke softly, and did his best to calm me down but it was short lived. Robert was still here.

"You should really mind your own business." His voice was laced with hate and venom as he glared at the Jasper and me. He brushed off some of the dirt from his clothes and straightened them out. "Mary doll, get over here. We're leaving."

"Go to Alice." Jasper said to me while straightening himself up, his eyes never leaving Robert. He stood in front of me protectively while preparing himself to fight.

"Y-Yes, Sir." I said quickly and scrambled up to my feet as I looked around the forest for Alice. When I couldn't find her she came to me instead. Despite the situation she had a bright smile on her face while she lifted me up into her arms.

"You're okay now, sweet girl. Mommy's got you." She spoke sweetly to me, and my brain could barely process the fact that she called herself 'Mommy'. I was more focused on clutching onto her for dear life, and feeling the calming tingles from my mate. My arms and legs were wrapped around her, and she carried me over to Esme.

"I'm sorry. I messed up your plans. I-I didn't want him to hurt any of you." I sniffled, and tried to stop myself from crying. Esme rubbed my back while Alice held me closely.

"It's alright, Mary. You didn't mess anything up. It was very brave of you to try and protect us, but let us protect you. Okay?" Alice spoke kindly, and I slowly nodded in agreement. 

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