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"Sit still please Ellie, I'm almost done." Dana Scully said softly while putting her daughter's loose ringlets of hair into a second pigtail. She had been patient with the 3 year old most of the evening, but she was beginning to get too wiggly. "Elliot. Please sit still." She repeated, a little louder.

"I want to show mummy my costume!" The tiny redhead sitting in front of her protested. "I know baby, but you want to be totally ready first, don't you?" All Dana received in response was a small sigh, and she took it as a yes.

Once her curly hair was contained into two small pigtails, Dana carefully slid the pink knitted hat onto the top of Ellie's head. She helped her down off the counter, and had her hold onto her shoulders while she stepped into her costume. "There you go love, all dressed!" She stated with a smile, watching as Ellie grinned at herself in the mirror.

Dana stood in the doorway of the bathroom, twirling her ring around her finger, as her daughter giddily ran over to the blonde resting on the bed. "Mummy!" Her little voice squealed, "Look at my costume!!"


Stella Gibson had just returned home after a 12 hour shift and ached with exhaustion. She knew Dana would be taking their daughter trick or treating at the corn maze soon and she wanted to tag along, but she had to lay down and rest before she could even fathom the idea. She made her way into the bedroom and flopped down on the bed without removing her coat or shoes. Her eyelids were heavy and her eyes were closed within seconds.

She wasn't sure she'd be able to open them again any time soon, but her mind was quickly changed when she heard the cheery squeak of her daughter's voice.

"Mummy! Look at my costume!!" Stella pried her eyes open to see the little set of blues staring back into hers. She couldn't help the smile that painted her face.

"Wow!" She mused, her voice raspy. "You look wonderful. Did you tell your mommy thank you?"

Ellie swung herself around to look at Dana with a toothy grin, "Thank you mommy!" Dana smiled at her, and then at Stella. "You're welcome, love." She responded, walking over to greet her wife. The blonde kissed her softly before pulling her into her lap.

"So," she started, "Tell me who you're dressed as." Ellie giggled lightly, "Piglet, mummy! You know that!" Stella nodded with a laugh, "Right, right. How could I possibly forget?"

"We're going to head out to the corn maze soon... Would you like to join us?" Dana asked, standing up and pulling a garment bag off the bed beside her. "We have a couple hours until the party. It's fine if you want to stay here and rest until then." Dana smiled down at her wife warmly.

Stella shook her head, "No, No I want to go with you two. Just give me a few minutes to get up and get changed." The redhead nodded, before heading into the bathroom to put on her own costume.

She slipped the red dress on, and sighed while staring into the mirror. She didn't like the dress as much as she had a few weeks before when she'd tried it on in the store. She was fixated on the way the dress hugged her curves when Stella walked in behind her.

"What's wrong, love?" The blonde asked, wrapping her arms around her partner's torso.

Stella/Scully One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now