Zoom Pt 1

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Dana sat at her computer, tapping her fingernails against the desk restlessly.

Skinner had already been on a 2 hour spiel and it seemed to have only just begun. Both agents knew when he'd requested to have a virtual meeting that they were in trouble for something, though for what was anybody's guess. She stretched her neck out as she looked to the other window on the screen where the brunette man sat, looking just as over it as she was.

"Mulder, are you listening to me?" Skinner asked, raising his voice slightly.

Mulder's eyes shot up to the camera and nodded, resting his chin on his hand. It took everything in her not to laugh at his lack of response followed by a gesture that only fed the image of disinterest he was giving off.

Neither of them had been able to say more than two words, and it was getting tiring listening to the bald man talk continuously. Dana felt as if she might just pass out from boredom when her hero saved the day with a cup of coffee made just the way she likes.

"Here you go, love. Thought you could use some caffeine." Stella said softly as she set the cup down. Dana smiled up at her and mouthed thank you.

"Scully, did you say something?" Skinner asked, drawing her attention away from her girlfriend.

"Oh... um, no. Sorry sir. Stella just brought me coffee." The mention of the blonde immediately caused both men's eyes to widen, and Dana's rolled simultaneously.

It had been a year since she and Stella had started dating, and yet every time it was mentioned Skinner looked at her like a deer in headlights. Mulder only had a hard time with it because he wished he was Stella. Scully had been the love of his life and she was the only girl for him... He just couldn't seal the deal, and so he lost her to somebody who could. That still left a bitter taste in his mouth, though he was happy to see her so happy.

"Right, well... Anyways, as I was saying..." Skinner continued.

Dana looked up at Stella with tired eyes and rolled them lazily.

Kill me , she mouthed.

She didn't miss how Stella's lips curled up into a little smirk, but she chose to ignore it as she listened to her superior drone on and on.

Stella left the room and Dana focused back to a random spot on her computer screen, trying to give off the illusion that she was listening.

Not even five minutes later she saw Stella walking back into the room on tiptoed feet, and looked up with a raised brow. She watched as the blonde dropped to the floor on her hands and knees and crawled underneath the desk. Dana's eyes widened as the realization hit her and she looked down at her girlfriend with panic and excitement.

Stella reached up and set her hand on Dana's thigh and rubbed it, slow and soft. She started low, worked her way up, and back down again. Over and over. It was nice at first, and Dana felt the tension in her body relax a bit, until Stella's hand went higher and stayed there, beginning to trace small circles on her upper thigh. The redhead clasped her legs together tightly to stop Stella's movements, though the blonde made no move to remove her hand. Her breath hitched when she felt Stella's fingernails scratch the top of her thigh as she awkwardly bent her trapped hand.

Dana was nervous and incredibly unsure, but as she looked down at Stella whose eyes were filled with love and want she felt the uncertainty melt away. She trusted Stella. It excited her and she couldn't deny it, but it was the simple fact that her male work colleagues were virtually right in front of her face that made it unsettling... Yet intriguing.

Stella leaned down to kiss Dana's knee and slowly made her way up. Dana parted her legs again hesitantly, wanting to feel her girlfriend more than anything.

Stella/Scully One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now