Little shiny things (pt 2)

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Wrapped up in soft wool, Stella and Dana stepped through the entrance of the Christmas tree farm. With warm caramel coffees in hand both women made their way towards the tall pine trees and Dana turned to smile at her partner.

"Have you ever picked out a real tree before?" She asked.

Stella shrugged and took a small glance around her, "I don't think so... But you've been asking if we could for years and it's Christmas eve. Now feels like the right time, this is our first Christmas as a family. "

The word hung on Stella's tongue and Dana felt her heart flutter as she looked down at the small bump that was finally beginning to become visible.

"A family of three." Dana whispered, taking her girlfriend's hand into her own.

Stella squeezed her hand tighter, and thought that in less than twenty four hours Dana's small ring finger would be weighed down with a 16 karat stone wrapped in rose gold. It was beautiful and picked especially for her. Stella had searched for months- refusing to settle for anything other than the perfect fit for her beautiful redheaded soon-to-be fiancé.

The snow crunched beneath their feet as they walked and looked at the pine trees. Christmas music was blaring through a small speaker at the front of the farm, and the further they walked the softer the music became.

They passed by a tree that seemed to be the perfect size for their flat; it was healthy and smelled wonderful.

Dana grinned at Stella, "Let's get this one!" She said cheerily.

Stella leaned down and kissed Dana softly, lingering for a while, before pulling away to nod.

"Perfect." She agreed as she leaned to nuzzle her nose on Dana's tiny baby bump. "Our family tree."

The word lingered in the air again filling them each with a tingly warmth.

Two men helped get their chosen tree over to their car and tied to the top, though it barely fit. Once it was secured, and both women were buckled they headed home to decorate their new tree.

Dana had already set off a Christmas bomb in their flat the day after Thanksgiving, so all that needed to be done now was the tree.

Stella struggled to get the tree inside as Dana wasn't much help with her pregnant belly, but she didn't mind. She was excited and grateful that Dana was willing to do the heavy lifting to bring their child into the world.

Once the tree was in and set up in its designated corner the redhead got to work placing lights, tinsel and ornaments on the pine branches in a skillful manner.

Stella stood and admired how each thing seemed to have its own perfect place, and smiled at the ornament Dana was finding a place for.

"I bought you that for our first Christmas." She whispered, wrapping her arms around her tightly.

"You did," Dana replied, "And I still love it." She turned her head to kiss Stella softly. "And I love you."

The tree was lit and gleaming with all their ornaments as they sat on the couch admiring the extra touch of festivity it brought into their home. Dana was laying her head on Stella's shoulder and she remembered that she had a gift for her. She was too excited to wait another day so she turned to her with a big smile.

"I have a gift for you, and I was going to wait until tomorrow but... Tomorrow's gift should have it's own moment to shine." Dana thought of the small box, tucked into the back of her closet, that held a world of possibilities.

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