Champagne problems

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*** CONTENT WARNING: homophobia and being outed. ***

Snow fell in thick flurries as the redhead drove through the city, getting closer to her childhood home with each passing minute. The blonde in the passenger seat had been uncharacteristically quiet the entire ride, though she never took her eyes off her partner.

"What if they don't like me?" Stella asked, squeezing Dana's hand just a little tighter.

"They'll love you, Stella." Dana assured her with a warm smile.

Both women had agreed that they wouldn't come forward about the status of their relationship yet, though Dana was beyond ecstatic to introduce her new girlfriend to her family, even if it was just as a friend. It was the first time Stella would meet them and, seeing as it was a holiday, they didn't want to stir the pot by dropping that bomb just yet.

They'd been dating just over six months, and Dana was already head over heels in love. She'd thought about this moment since the day she met Stella. She wasn't quite ready to come out to them, not yet, but she knew the moment they met Stella they'd love her as much as she did and it would make the dating a woman part so much easier.

"I know nothing about families, D. I don't know how they interact or... What's appropriate..." Stella was still deeply lost in thought, positive that her girlfriend's family would hate her.

What if they see right through us, she thought to herself, not wanting to stress Dana out with her own anxieties.

"Just be yourself, Stel. They're going to love you. I know it, because I love you." Dana moved her hand to the blonde's thigh and squeezed it tenderly. "I promise."

The car was quiet for the remainder of the drive, as Stella focused on keeping the negative thoughts out of her head. When they finally pulled into the driveway of Dana's childhood home Stella set her nerves aside and was able to put on the stable front she always carried herself with so elegantly. Until recently there was no one she was able to break that illusion around, but Dana had changed that in an instant.

When Stella stepped out of the car a chill went through her that threatened to crack her facade, though she forced herself to blame it on the wind and push forward, linking her arm in Dana's. The second they reached the doorstep and knocked she dropped her arm and took a deep breath, smiling at Dana with one last loving glance. She wasn't sure how she was going to keep her hands and eyes off her all evening, but she had to try.

The door opened and a warm light spilled out onto the porch.

"Dana!" An older woman's voice rang out and she pulled the redhead into a tight embrace.

"Hi mom. This is Stella." Dana said, immediately pulling Stella's wrist so that she was standing beside her again.

"Hello Stella, it's so nice to meet you."

Stella went to hold her hand out but Maggie only took it to pull her into a gentle hug. Stella wasn't sure what to do at first, caught off guard by the gesture, but it made her feel safe and a small smile crept across her face.

"It's nice to meet you too, Mrs. Scully."

"Please, just call me Maggie!"

Dana led Stella around introducing her to her siblings, and a few cousins who had decided to join them. A few old family friends were there and she took a moment to point them out to Stella, though she didn't bother introducing them.

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