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Stella's stilettos clicked briskly against the linoleum floor as she entered the lobby of the Hoover building. She didn't hesitate as she walked past the help desk, ignoring the agents watching her with lingering eyes. Her sole focus was on one thing in particular: the redhead waiting for her down in the FBI basement. There was a chance Scully would be upset with her for going inside rather than waiting for her in the car, but she couldn't help herself. It had been a few days since they'd seen each other and she was desperate for reconnection. Plus, there was something utterly thrilling about the idea of surprising Scully in her work place.

The blonde walked mindlessly, knowing her way to the x-files basement from the time she'd spent working on a case with the two agents. By the time she reached the elevator she was thinking about what they were going to have for dinner, what Scully was wearing, and what her lips would taste like when she finally got a chance to kiss them. No part of her was prepared for the elevator door to open, only to bring her face to face with Fox Mulder. She gave him a tight lipped smile as she stepped past him, though to her dismay, his eyes didn't leave her own.

"Gibson? What are you doing here? I haven't seen you in months."

Keeping her same tight-lipped smile, Stella nodded. "It has been a while hasn't it. I'm here to see D- Scully, actually."

With a furrowed brow, Mulder nodded, gesturing to the buttons on the elevator wall. "She's in our office. I think she's getting ready to leave."

Stella nodded a thanks, indicating he should leave the elevator so that she could press the button for the basement floor. Hesitantly, he did so, watching the blonde officer intently until the doors shut and obstructed his view.

Mulder found the unexpected visit odd. However, he didn't concentrate on it too long before redirecting his focus to what he needed to find in storage.

As the elevator arrived in the basement, Stella felt her heart rate quicken at the thought of getting to see Scully. Work had kept her busy for days and she felt guilty they hadn't had a chance to catch up since the weekend. However, she fully intended to make it up to her with dinner and mind-blowing sex.

Her heel clicks gave her away as she approached the door, stopping in the doorway to hum at the sight of her girlfriend. The light noise instantly caught the redhead's attention, her body immediately reacting to the familiar sound.

"Stella?" Scully asked, her voice raising an octave as the older woman entered the office. "You didn't have to come down. I could've met you outside."

"I know that, but I just couldn't wait. I needed to see you."

A small smirk graced Stella's lips as she walked closer to Scully, stopping as she reached the edge of the desk. Slowly, she began to shed her coat, pulling the sleeves from her arms before letting it fall on top of the desk. She removed her scarf next, lifting it from around her neck and laying it over her coat.

"Stella, we should go. There's no reason to stay here and we have plans."

With a slow shake of her head, Stella stepped in front of Scully, her sultry eyes scanning down her body as she processed how sexy she looked in her navy blue pantsuit. Stepping closer again, she straddled the younger woman, sitting herself in her lap and wrapping her arms around her neck.


"Yes, Dana?"

"M-Mulder... I don't want him to-" Her voice was breathy and low as Stella's face slowly inched closer to her own.

"He's upstairs. He looked as though he was on the hunt for something. You know how he is, he may be gone a while. We're all alone."

Despite the sensible part of her brain telling her this was a mistake, Scully found that arousal was clouding everything else. Her need for Stella was overpowering, and as she felt the weight of her body in her lap, she realized just how much she'd missed her the past few days. As they stared into each other's eyes, she felt as though she would die if Stella didn't kiss her soon. Seeming to have read her mind, Stella leaned in closer, ghosting her lips over the younger woman's. Their breath warmed their faces as they sat unmoving for a moment, so close yet not close enough. Feeling her resolve wear thin, Scully crashed their lips together, kissing the blonde for all she was worth. A deep moan heaved from Stella's throat as their lips met and she pulled Scully tighter against her. Skimming her tongue across her lower lip, Stella hummed in appreciation when Scully opened her mouth to grant her access. Instantly, her tongue was inside her mouth, tasting and devouring what the younger woman had to offer. Pulling away, slightly breathless, Scully gulped in air and looked up at her girlfriend through hooded lids. They could only stand a moment apart before they were on each other again, tongues tangling and battling for domain in their mouths. Something in Scully's head was telling her to stop this, to put it on pause while she still had the chance. But as Stella's nimble fingers curled into the hair at the nape of her neck, all semblance of rationality went out the window. There was nothing more she wanted than to be right there doing exactly what they were doing.

Stella/Scully One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now