The burn book

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Dana's hands were slightly clammy as she stepped into the elevator at The Metropolitan Police Station. Dana Scully was not one to make grand public gestures often, but she was excited to visit her girlfriend at work and surprise her with lunch. She'd never seen her office, and she was eager to get to experience Detective SuperIntendent Stella Gibson in action, in the flesh.

She adjusted the bag of food in her hand and waited impatiently as the elevator slowly climbed up one floor at a time. Her legs were slightly shaking beneath her as she stepped off the elevator slowly, looking right and left trying to determine where she was supposed to go. Just as she was pulling out her phone to call Stella she heard a voice say her name.

"Ms. Scully?" The man asked, and she turned to face him. His hair was peppery, which matched his facial hair, and he looked like a pouty dog. She could only assume this was none other than Jim Burns.

She forced a smile and nodded lightly, somewhat relieved that she didn't have to call Stella and ruin the surprise earlier than she had wanted to. "I'm looking for Stella." Dana said, her voice coming out more strained than she meant it to.

He nodded, looking her up and down before gesturing to his left. He started to walk and she followed him quietly, slowly critiquing every little detail of the man in front of her.

They eventually stopped at a door just half way down the hallway and he knocked lightly. Dana looked up to see the little golden plaque on the door that read DSI Stella Gibson . She smiled to herself, and waited for the door to open. She heard the muffled voice of her partner and watched Jim turn the knob.

"You have a visitor." He stated, an odd tone in his voice. She peered to the side of him to see a confused expression on Stella's face and it made her smile. "Hi!" Dana whispered, unable to contain her joy at seeing the blonde woman's face. It was only noon, but it had been a particularly stressful day at work so far, and she needed to see Stella more than anything.

She suddenly felt insecure, worried that Stella wouldn't be as happy to see her. They'd never really done anything like this before, and maybe it was too far for Stella's liking. Too big of a leap. She took a few steps into the room, and to her surprise Stella jumped up and nearly sprinted to her, embracing her tightly.

"What are you doing here, D?" She asked softly, the tone of her voice assuring Dana she was pleased. "I brought lunch!" The redhead replied, holding the bag up to her side. Stella felt her mouth water as she stared at the white sack in her girlfriend's hands. She knew without having to ask that it was their favorite thai food place and she suddenly felt starving.

In her surprise at seeing Dana, Stella nearly forgot that Jim had walked her here, and suddenly noticed that he was still standing in the doorway of her office. "Oh um, Dana this is Jim. Jim Burns." Stella stated, shooting a glance to Dana who already seemed to know that fact. "And Jim, this is Dana Scully." He smiled half heartedly and nodded at the redhead. "Yes, I knew that." He said in a condescending tone, and Scully had to bite her cheek to keep from saying anything.

Stella noticed that he hadn't budged, and out of politeness she hesitantly asked if he'd like to join them. She glanced over at Dana, worried she'd be upset, but she had an understanding look on her face. Stella had hoped that he wouldn't accept, and would sense that his company wasn't actually wanted, but instead he sat down in the chair on the other side of her desk. She closed her eyes and sighed before forcing a smile.

Stella/Scully One-shotsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum