Adventures in babysitting

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Dana Scully ran around her small one story house frantically trying to baby proof every inch of it. She hadn't seen her nephews in what felt like a lifetime and while she knew they were technically no longer babies, she was terrified of the idea of them getting hurt while under her care. Matthew was 5 and Max was 2, and she hadn't been around kids that young in forever. She was nervous and excited, terrified and giddy, unprepared and ready.

When Stella had agreed to babysitting it was simply for Dana, she knew how badly she wanted to spend time with her nephews, though she hadn't been prepared for the plan to change to the kids coming to their house. She thought that kids were sticky, difficult nightmares and she couldn't imagine herself properly handling them. That's why she'd shot Dana down anytime she entertained the idea of them having a kid together someday. She didn't dislike kids, per say, but she certainly preferred to keep them at a safe distance.

The blonde made her way out to the living room with a tired yawn to see her girlfriend sitting on the floor staring off into space. She raised her eyebrow and cleared her throat softly.

"Dana, love, are you okay?" Stella asked.

Dana turned to look at her with glassy eyes, "What if I fuck this up! Bill Jr will never let me see them again, and I haven't seen them in so long already!"

It was clear that the redhead was panicking and Stella let out a soft chuckle as she fell to the floor to hug her.

"D, it's going to be fine. You're good with everyone. Old people, young people, animals. I have no doubt you'll be great with your nephews too."

Stella gave her a reassuring smile, and Dana sighed as she laid her forehead on her girlfriends shoulder.

"Tara is the one who asked if I'd babysit... As it is I'm positive she had to talk Bill into it. I just don't want to do something to make him regret trusting me."

Stella's heart broke at the sight of her girlfriend doubting herself all because of her ignorant older brother, but she figured now wasn't the time to go off about her own opinions. Instead she held her close and whispered reassurances in her ear until the redhead had calmed and was ready to go back to her chores.

Stella had concerns of her own over what was to come of their evening, but she kept them to herself. She didn't want to cause any extra stress for Dana. She instead busied herself helping her girlfriend finish cleaning and child proofing their home.

When the doorbell rang just after 6 pm Stella felt her heart jolt in her chest. She didn't think she was ready for this, but she had to get ready real quick. Dana squealed excitedly as she sprinted towards the front door, turning to shoot Stella a big toothy grin.

"They're here!" She chirped as she reached to turn the knob.

Stella watched as the door was swung open and two little red headed boys came charging through it, followed by exhausted looking adults.

"Thank you so much for agreeing to watch them, Dana. We just need to get away for a bit while we're in town." The brunette woman sighed as she rubbed circles into her forehead.

"Stella, this is my sister-in-law Tara." The redhead introduced.

Tara smiled warmly at Stella and reached out to hug her.

"It's so nice to finally meet you! I've heard so much about you from Dana and Melissa."

Stella smiled and nodded with a soft, "Nice to meet you too."

Bill Jr sculked his way through the door and shot daggers in Stella's direction. He still hadn't warmed up to the idea of his sister being with a woman, and he still blamed Stella for it.

Stella/Scully One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now