Snow day

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"Mommy! Mummy! Mommy! Mummy!"

Stella Gibson awoke to the high pitched sound of her daughter squealing from the far side of the bed. She sat up and placed her index finger to her lip firmly. She had intended to scold her lightly, though the moment her gaze met the two twinkling little blue eyes her frustration melted away.

"Ellie darling, what are you doing?" She whispered, glancing at the redhead who was thankfully still asleep next to her.

Stella motioned for Ellie to come around to her side of the bed, and lifted her into her lap.

"It's much too early to be awake, and mommy was up late working. She needs to sleep as long as she can." Stella pressed her lips against the four year olds temple and took in her gentle scent of lavender and vanilla, humming at the calm that rushed through her as she held her daughter close.

"But mummy!" Ellie whispered, "It's snowing!!!" The excitement got the better of her, and she squealed again, this time waking the redhead who had been fast asleep.

"What time is it?" Dana groaned, one eye opened to adjust to the harsh brightness.
"It's only seven, love. Ellie came in to tell us it snowed." Ellie hopped off of Stella's lap and over to her other mother giddily.

"No, mommy it IS snowing!" She grabbed the blonde and redheads hands and pulled, unsuccessfully trying to get them out of bed. "Come look!"

Stella sighed after a moment, and took Ellie's hand, allowing her to lead her over to the window. She opened the blinds and peeked, an instant feeling of warmth settling within her.

"Oh wow. It really IS snowing." Stella gasped. "There's no way we're going into work today, we're snowed in." She said, turning to look at her wife with a smile. A grin spread across Dana's face as she told her this, an instant sense of relief setting in. 

"Oh thank god." Dana whispered, laying her head back down. "I was not ready to do another day."

Ellie jumped back on the bed next to Dana, and started to gently play with her mother's hair. "Alright Ellie, how about you lay with us and we get a little more sleep, hmm?" Stella suggested, taking her spot next to her two favorite people.

"I want to play in the snow!" Ellie whined.

Stella put her finger to her lip again, "I know, love, but not right now. Mommy is tired, and you should probably still be asleep too. Just rest a couple more hours, and then we'll all go play in it, okay?"

Ellie let out an exasperated sigh, but laid down and nuzzled her nose into Stella's arm. Stella leaned across to place her hand on Dana's hip, trapping the four year old between their embrace.

Stella woke up some time later to the feeling of Ellie's hands in her hair. She opened her eyes slowly, and smiled at the small girl with strawberry blonde hair staring back at her.

"You're awake!" Dana said, drawing Stella's attention away from their daughter.

"Yes... What time is it?" She asked, feeling slightly disoriented.

"Nearly ten thirty." The redhead responded, getting out of her side of the bed, "You were more tired than you thought."

The blankets were warm and Stella felt safe and content, but it didn't take long after her two redheads left the bed for her to no longer feel that way and she got up to follow them. She walked into the kitchen to see Ellie at the counter, watching Dana stir something in a coffee cup.

"First cup should be mummy's, huh?" Dana asked Ellie, handing Stella the warm cup. She inhaled it and realized it was hot chocolate and smiled.

"Mmm, no Elliot can have the first cup." She hummed, handing the cup to the girl.

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