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After months and months of begging, the day Dana Scully had been waiting for had finally arrived. She'd been asking for so long if her and Stella could adopt a dog, and was always met with the same determined no . The failed attempts did nothing to deter the redhead, however, as she continued to drive Stella nuts until the blonde finally agreed that in a few weeks- if Dana's heart was still so set on it- they would go visit a shelter to look for a puppy.

Dana woke Stella first thing that Sunday morning, cheerily bouncing on the bed. The blonde was not nearly as enthusiastic about the day ahead of them as her partner, though she couldn't deny seeing Dana so excited warmed her heart.

They got up and ate breakfast; Stella tried to take her sweet time in doing so to enjoy her Sunday morning, though Dana was having none of it.

"Stella! I want to go as soon as they open, come on!" Dana nearly yelled, pulling Stella toward the bedroom so that they could get dressed.

"I think this may be the only instance in which you've pulled me towards our room to get me dressed rather than undressed." Stella said with a grin.

She thought that she'd kept her girlfriend waiting long enough, so she eventually quit resisting and went to change her clothes.

About fifteen minutes later they were both seated in the car, headed to the animal shelter, hand in hand.
Dana sat with an enormous smile on her face, feeling only excitement; though Stella was feeling something else entirely. She'd never been responsible for another living thing, and she wasn't sure that was something she was ready for. She wasn't sure it was something she could handle.

"What if the dog we get ends up being a shedder... We're going to have hair all over the flat." Stella said about half way through the drive, causing a smile to turn up on Dana's face.

"Well look at you, coming around!" The redhead teased as she squeezed her partner's hand tighter.

Stella shot her a somewhat amused yet annoyed glance. "What do you mean?"

"You said THE dog we get... not IF we get a dog." Dana replied, her smile never wavering.

Stella's face held it's amused stance and she smirked slightly. "Dana, we are on our way to the shelter, are we not? Pretty sure it was clear we'd be getting the dog the moment I agreed to visiting the shelter with you."

Neither woman said another word as a comfortable silence hung between them for the rest of the drive.

Stella had made it clear from the moment she agreed to adopting a dog that she didn't want one that would be too messy. She wasn't all too fond of the idea of constant shedding, slobbering, dander, god knows what else. She of course thought dogs were cute, but she always appreciated them from a distance, as she was uninterested in the smell and the mess.

She found herself thinking that this was really all just for Dana, and she probably wouldn't even like the dog at all.

The thoughts were pushed from her brain almost as quickly as they'd surfaced as she couldn't afford to be second guessing her decision now. Dana's heart was too invested.

When they arrived at the shelter both women linked arms and made their way inside the small brick building. They'd only made it a few steps inside when Dana suddenly stopped, bringing Stella to a halt with her. Her bright smile started to drop slightly as she stared at Stella's freckled face.

"Are you sure you're okay with doing this? I don't want you to only be doing it for me. I don't want it to be something you regret."

Stella just smiled at her warmly, unable to hide the uncertainty on her face. She knew this was important to Dana, and she felt guilty for letting her mind derail into such a negative spiral.

Stella/Scully One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now