Zoom Pt 2

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Stella stared at her computer screen, her eyes red and watering after spending the better part of her day doing so. She had been anticipating this meeting for weeks, dreading it with every day it crept closer, though now that it had arrived she found that her dread had not properly prepared her. Four hours of listening to her superior drone on and on had not been what she had in mind at the start of the day; he had asked that she attend the entirety of the meeting in case she was needed to speak to the people who worked under her, though thus far she hadn't been given a chance to get a single word in.

Three hours into their four hour meeting the director finally called for a break, taking into account the wary, hazy eyes he found staring back at him through camera lenses. He glanced over to Stella and she forced a smile before nodding and pushing herself away from her desk. While she was relieved to have a break, it only made the idea of going back that much more daunting. She made her way towards the kitchen, feeling her stomach cramping with hunger. The sound of her footsteps caught Dana's attention, causing her to close the book she was reading and turn to look for her partner.

"Done already?" She asked, a smile beaming on her face.

Stella let out a low grumble and shook her head.

"No. We were given a five minute break."

The blonde shuffled the rest of the way into the kitchen, closing and shutting cabinets loudly. Nothing actually sounded good, but she was famished. She looked up to notice Dana's eyes were still on her and smirked.

"Can I help you?"

Dana closed her book with a chuckle before setting it on the coffee table.

"No, no. I just haven't seen your face all day. I missed it."

She got up from her spot on the couch and sauntered over to her girlfriend, stopping once she was mere inches from her. She reached up and gently traced the outline of Stella's face with her fingertip, causing a shiver to ripple through the blonde. She went cross eyed briefly as she watched Dana's finger trail the length of her nose before she leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on the tip of it. Stella's eyes fluttered closed for a moment, lost in the feeling of Dana's touch, but the sound of talking from the other room quickly pulled her from her daze.

"Shit. I have to go back." She began to walk away, but before she could get far Dana reached out to grab her wrist.

"No don't go," She pouted, "Stay with me instead."

Stella shot her a faux look of annoyance and pursed her lips. "You know I can't."

She wrenched her wrist from Dana's grasp and kissed her on the cheek before her feet dragged her back into their office. She wished she could oblige Dana's request, but this meeting had been planned for months and she would have her ass handed to her were she to ditch. 

Stella had rejoined the group of officers, listening half heartedly for a while, when she heard footsteps approaching. She glanced up just in time to see Dana pop her head into the room, her eyebrow popped up in mischief. The redhead tiptoed into the room, keeping her gaze glued with Stella's as she reached the front of the desk. A loud sneeze rang through Stella's laptop speaker, bringing both of their attentions to the device for a moment. When Stella's eyes returned to Dana she noticed her fingers were in line with her sternum as she languorously unbuttoned her blouse.

"What are you doing?!" Stella mouthed, watching intently.

Dana simply smirked in response and Stella knew exactly what she was doing. This was payback for that meeting with Mulder and Skinner a few weeks back. Dana had swore she would repay the favor and now she was, staying true to her word in true Dana Scully fashion.

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