Hugh Jackman?

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"Hakunnah Matata, what a wonderful phrase. It's our problem-free, philosophy. Hakunnah Matata."

I have been singing that for the past five days.

There is no water here.

No food.

Nor is there magic.

And I am going mad.

What twist of events led me here? Why? Can someone fucking answer me?

Yea, didn't expect one.

I'm going to die.


I am too tried to even sweat anymore.

I didn't even know that it was possible.

Apparently, it is.

Oh good God! Why?

I think my life's aim is to suffer for things which I have no idea about. Like all the slave children caught in the world war two.

Were they to blame? Nah.

Did they get blamed? Duh.

La-da-di-da-di... Nice wedding party, dancing with Wall-E...

Why am I singing the Game of Thrones parody version of We Can't Stop by Miley?

Have I officially lost it?

The parody is pretty good by the way, it's got this catchy as shit tune which will make you go La-da-di-da-di... ooh..


"Hello? Who's that?" came a sound over the lonely plains in perfect english.

"Anyone? "

Woah. That shiznit was real!!!

"Wait up! " screamed I, "I'm here! Help me out then run! I'll pay you a hundred bucks, when I earn it, in the future. "

A chuckle surrounded my ears.

And I saw something so beautiful, so vibrant, walking towards me.

A human being.

Who is that? A guy? A gal?

Ahem; Wolverine?


Kill me now!

I bloody should have known that I was just hallucinating.

What did I expect? A normal sane human in the desert?

How stupid of me.

Like always.

I hate, hate, hate, hate you Jake.

"Zarryn, why do you hate me? I thought we made up? " came another sound from my back.

Oh great, "Hey Jake. Stop calling me that stupid made up name. It doesn't even make sense you brainless little shit. "

"It does."

"Doesn't "


"Doesn't "

" Why are you doing this to me?" He asked.

"No, why are you doing this to me? " I remarked sarcastically.

"Let me help you Zarryn. Heal your broken soul. "

"My soul is not broken you shit face. And how are you gonna heal it this time, eh? By sleeping with my sister again? "

"I wasn't-"

"Spare me your lies. I believed in you. I really did." I said, tears somehow springing into my eyes, "and yet, every time I let you in, you drop me down. I can't bring myself to trust you again Jake. "

I began running.

Just like I did before.

And before.

Ran and ran until I could run no more.

Until I reached a small house in the desert.

Made out of... Candy?

Oh, no. It was just styrofoam.

Fake witches.

I pushed the door open and went inside the house. It was surprisingly, quaint.

Yes, that is the right word. Comfortable and cosy.

It had a giant red plush lip-shaped sofa on the right hand corner and a glass of water.

Almost like a choice.

To sit and relax, or to drink and quench my thirst?

I was faced with a choice, a choice which I had to make.

I chose drinking. Duh! That is obviously what a person who had spent 5 days without food in a desert would choose.

The water was refreshing and gave me these awesome abs.

Abs? What?

Ew! I'm becoming a muscle man!

Hell no!

And I'm dizzy now... why is the room spinning?

And why is the wall grey? Wasn't it made out of Styrofoam and white just seconds earlier?

"Mate, you okay? " came an inquisitive voice from right in front of me.

"Umm, who are y- ARE YOU HUGH JACKMAN?"

"Yes? "

I'm hyperventilating.

"Do you want a donut? " asked he, while casually munching on one.

"Can I have your autograph? A selfie with you? May I touch you? A vlog? Marry you? Poke you? Are you real? Or a figment of my imagination? " I ranted out in one breath.

He raised his eye brows a notch above and said, "I'm as real as real could be. And I'm taken, and anyway you'd be too young for me. "

Blushing furiously I replied, "I know that. Sorry for that outburst. I'm just, so excited!"

"Haha, it's alright, " he said with a knowing smile, "well, how did you end up here? "

"Uh, actually, where is here? "

"The middle of X-Men Apocalypse set? "

Thank you Jake. I love you for making me run away from you and drinking that weird glass of water.

Quickly jumping upright, I shook myself like a doggie, aw, doggies are cute. Ugh, and hugged Hugh.

Throwing on my puppy-eyes I looked at him and said, "May I please see the rest of the set? "

He began to slowly shake his head indicating a no, when I added some more cute-force into my puppy eyes.

"Please? "

"Fine. " he shrugged.

The rest of the day was eventful. I met all the actors working for making the movie and got selfies and autographs of all of them. In fact I even got a chance of acting a small part in the movie!

Isn't that crazy?

Yes! It is!

This is why I love crazy!

Well, obviously, I wasn't really standing out in the crowd but, hell, I am a there! In my favorite series!

They even arranged a ride home for me since the set was just 4 hours away.

Okay. I might get into trouble with my parents for being missing for 5 days, but, to hell with it!

I'm so happy!


On a totally unrelated matter.. Hugh Jackman is bloody sexy, ain't he? Love Wolverine too much!

Ooh, who's watching Chappie btw? Teĺl muah!

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