Should I?

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"J-jake..." I stammered unsuccessfully, "I really can't, I need some space right now and I need to rethink about our friendship"

His eyes had a zoned out look when I uttered those words and he kept on staring blankly at me. In the end he replied with a resigned "Okay".

He moved away and then suddenly turned to look at me. He gave a small unsure smile and told "Sarah, can we please meet at our place today? After school? Just consider it a favour for me."

I guess my stupid brain was on a holiday because somehow or the other my mouth had replied with a "Yes"

The rest of the day was uneventful other than a bunch of glares from Shanaya and her minions. My mind was occupied with thoughts about Jake anyway so I didn't see the point of feeding it more pointless things like whatever was going on in between Mark and Annie or why the heck was Suzan under Naomi's table. God, sometimes whatever I am seeing don't make the slightest sense.

The bell rang like my knight in shining white. You might have been thinking that, weren't you? Well you are definitely wrong. Now that school had ended I was supposed to meet Jake at "our place" as he said. I did remember it but I had expected Jake to totally forget it. Anyway, there's that saying right? What was it? Oh ya! Expect the unexpected or something like that? Ya, I guess it makes sense.

No. Forget it, my mind is messed up. Duh.

I slowly packed my bag so that I can waste more time and then with a final sigh stood up to meet my death.

Life isn't that simple now is it? It had to fuck my life over and over again so that it would be totally fucked up. Being socially awkward was bad but what happened right now was even worse. Mike Hermpes came and blocked me from exiting the class. Now you must have been wonder who is that new guy. Wait, I'll explain.

Mike is the richest guy in the whole town and yes I am serious. His house is a freaking 4 story building which looked like a setting right out of the Bond movies. It had a huge electric fence and tight security and to top it off the gardens contained beagles and Labradors of all sizes. It was said so that once some poor child tried to climb a mango tree in the garden and the poor chap had his limbs torn off from his body and then got electrocuted. Mike's parents, however had gotten away easily without even the slightest pressure. Yup. That's how bloody rich that guy was. But, what I really don't understand is why is he blocking my way? I am after all an "untouchable" right?? And Mike's last name being "Hermpes" didn't help at all. It was way too close to the word Herpes and knowing how many sluts that guy must be sleeping with on a daily basis, it is only natural to make a wild guess that he might be having it too.

And I prefer hygiene, so I would have loved to get outta the class ASAP.

Mike suddenly came up to my table and sat down on the chair beside me. I immediately went on to panic mode. Breath Sarah, Just breathe, maybe he wanted to borrow homework or something. His large acned face zoomed in front of me. He had the jawline I surely agree, but, his breath. EW. It stank like a dead rat that had been dipped in gutter water and then left to rot for a year. My oesophagus was beginning to have the reverse peristalsis already.

He smiled a smile that looked like over-cooked spaghetti with meatballs in it. I have no idea what do the girls like about him, His acne? Oh... it's his money. *rolls eyes* didn't take you long to figure that one now did you?

He opened his mouth and said, "Will you come to a party at my house on Saturday?"

What, what, what, what... * infinity.

"WHAT?" I screamed.

He flinched as my squeaky and high pitched voice attacked his eardrums. He asked the same thing again and waited impatiently for my answer.

What is up with everyone today? Is this some cruel joke like the one which they had played last year? Because I sure all hell remembered it. The cheerleaders had come up to me one random day and told that I was chosen as the Princess for the game. I had been so excited about it that I went and bought new clothes, dressed up and came to school. What then happened was pure horror.

On entry itself somebody poured a bucket of cold blue dyed water on my head. When I reached my locker to take my books out I found that it was filled with dog shit. And the worst thing that happened was the worm which I unknowingly ate from my apple. I had to rinse my mouth with Dettol a thousand times to get the taste of a newly squished worm. By the end of the day Shanaya came up to me and said "Sorry dearie! I thought that you were the princess. Seriously girlie, who do you think you are? And how gullible! It's so cute seeing you like this."

Humiliating much? Been there.

That is the reason why I was really suspicious about this sudden invite. I had never been to a party before and I wasn't planning to do so. But like I said before, I am completely messed up at times so I told Mike a Yes too.

His grin turned into a smirk and he casually walked out of the class. Now what is all that about?

I saw the clock hanging in the classroom and was suddenly reminded of my meeting with Jake. Damn it, I was already so late! And now Mike made me more late. Shit.... What will I do now? What excuse will I give Jake? Above all, what will I tell mom?

I ran at high speed to my truck-ish rust box and patted my pocked for them keys. It took a while to get the damned rumbling mess started but then in the end it finally gave in.

For a second a thought passed from my mind. What if I don't meet Jake? I weighed the pros and cons in my mind and then with a heavy heart made way to the Allison lane where the rubber forest thrived.

I was gonna meet Jake and I "will" confront him about his sudden departure.

I counted till 10 and then twisted the steering wheel to the left.


Hola Amigos!

Okay here's my new update! Hope u like it :D

~Apoorva Nair

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