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I knew this day was going to be horrible! Forget every single thing I had told you about Saturdays. They suck more than rotten eggs. Hmph no. Well I guess it was Marcus who has spoiled my day. He used to be my boyfriend. No. Stop laughing. Just because I'm a klutz doesn't mean that I have never had a boyfriend all right? It was a short fling and didnt even last an entire month. It kind of explains why I stayed away from guys too. Marcus was the poetic nerd whomever girl has a crush on but doesn't really go to due to his nerdiness. He was smart, charming and cute too, in a scrawny way nonetheless yet cute all the same. I had to go to this elective Spanish class which I had absolutely no interest in and the only place left was next to him. And the crazy teacher who looked big enough to eat me was glaring at me for being late to that hell on Earth. So somehow or the other the typical "girl meets cute guy" thing happened and ta-da in 4 months we were together. I know it took a long time for us to get together but then the time we actually stayed in a relationship was surprisingly short. Or maybe not so surprisingly short. Eh, what? And the very next year he had to leave the school as cousins from Boston who was supermodels came to my tiny town and signed him up for a fashion magazine. I was heartbroken I guess but mostly I was relieved because the breakup had made it awkward between us and I didn't really want to sit in the same place with the same person and all. However, remember the whale I was talking about, I mean teacher? She didn't let me budge from my place. Anyway now I'm alone and stuff.

And right now, here he was. In front of me. Doing I-have-no-idea-what in "my" secret place.


Da-yum... I am spotted. Harry Potter please lend me your invisibility coat asap? "Oh, hey Marcus, fancy seeing you here."

"I was hoping to see you soon. Look I'm sorry about the way it ended for the two of us. I was hoping that..."

"Stop Marcus. It's not that..."

"I know you don't want me but, please?"

No way am I going to fall for that. It's all happening too soon. Jake yesterday, and Marcus today. Who will be next, will Wolverine come here and tell me that the X-Men are real? That would have been so cool! I can almost imagine that coming true. Uh so, Marcus. What should I do? What should I... Aha! I know that an idea can change your life but this is too good and idea to come true.

"Hey Marcus, I am willing to give you a chance..."


"Wait! I have more. Only and only if you come with me to Mark Hermpes's party"


Hahaha I knew it. That is actually the only reason I told that I will give him a chance. Marcus has never gone to a party and I'm pretty sure that he wouldn't be breaking his tradition anytime soon. A party is, well, a party and Marcus hates parties. He had only been to one party in his entire life, his cousin's return home bash and that was also the day he had lost his virginity. Now I know that it is common for that to happen during parties but the uncommon part of this party scenario was that- he lost it with his own, I'm not kidding, his very own aunt. Yes that is fairly disgusting. He told me this tale once when I was telling about Shanaya's monthly parties. He was also planning to be celibate but times change and being celibate isn't fun. That would be living the life of a monk. How boring.

I was trying to hide my smirk when Marcus told me the three words I never ever thought I would ever hear. Heck my imagination is not that wild all right.

"I am gay"

Queue the what's... "What!?!?!"

Marcus is what. I mean what. Did he just say the words which I heard? Did he just. No. Yes. No. Yes. Yes. He did.

"You bloody jerk! Stop lying!" I screamed. Marcus was standing frozen to the spot with the grave expression that my parents had on when they got the call from my grandmother saying that grandpa was dead. The same look lingered in his black eyes turning it darker until it reached a part where it couldn't get any darker. The tight lipped and pale beached face told me that it was the truth. The real truth which he had been hiding from me. From everyone.

"I'm sorry Sarah"

Marcus bowed his head in shame and the beginnings of a tear glistened in his right eye. He looked so sad that it would have been just cruel to not believe in him. Just plain cruel. I reached out and hugged him. And that's when I heard a click from the shutter of a camera.

Is that laughing? Like in really loud laughing all around me? What's so funny?

"Ow! My eyes!" Something bright flashed right into my light sensitive retinas which adjusted to see Shanaya.

"Oh My God! That was hilariously epic! Look Jess poor Knox is reuniting with her boyfriend. Oh wait didn't her boyfriend just tell that he was gay? So she is reuniting with her gay boyfriend. Hahaha, the half gay couple. Or should we just call her the lonely bitch? She had one guy and that one guy turned out to be gay! The girl who dates the gay guy has a nice catch to it doesn't it?" cackled Shanaya.

Amusing. Very amusing. Now all I have to do is take the money from the audience for watching the show. But wait, it was a free show wasn't it?

What about Marcus? Where is he? What must he be feeling now? That poor guy!

"Being gay is not a crime you blonde"

I shouldn't have done that. I regret my life.

Shanaya's face visibly changed. It kinda creeped me out to be honest. She turned red *Bam*

Why am I on the ground? Why is Marcus pulling me up? How did I fall?

Oh ... Shanaya slapped me. I guess it was coming.

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