Good vs. Bad

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Being eternal was a gift and a curse. Life changes when you realize that you are not exactly what you thought you were, when you realize that it was all a ploy, a plot to distract yourself from ever comprehending the truth. The bitter-sweet truth which you would have rejected if it was possible to do so.

I am Sarah, but at the same time I was also Aleena, Kyagarika, Hwatiki and many others. I had life but that life wasn't just the mundane life of a 16 year old school girl. It was the life of a warrior in the Yakira forest, the life of an orphan in Eastwood, the life of a kindergarten teacher in Johaker. These lives merged together and formed emotions out of an otherwise cold eternal.

Love, happiness, anger, sadness, frustration; all these human feelings changed me. It turned me into a better person, away from the destructive force which I was, no, which I still am, but is trying to control. Everybody has two sides, just like a coin, once you flip there's no turning back.

Janus might be the God of the doorways, but Gods are nothing more than Eternals who knows how to use their powers and shape it accordingly. The needs which arise are all answered, calmly and properly. The resultant force might not be as calm as the decision making, there will be floods, earthquakes, fires, but all these do answer the questions of mankind.

That's why eternals were known as Gods, due to our abilities to manipulate time, space and matter. We lived on forever, in the midst of humans and away from them. Worshipped and as worshippers, creators and destructors, makers, breakers. The common in the uncommon were from the force of the spiritually induced flow. The spirit in nature, found here, there, everywhere.

I opened my eyes and finally looked around. I was seeing before, but now I was feeling. I was able to feel the heart beating inside Keiv's muscular body, every footfall of many aliens present her, the veins inside the Grayna tree and the distant movement of chariots inside Xity Road which was the only road in and out of the Grayna.

I turned my face towards Keiv and gazed at him for a second. He suddenly bent his back and pulled his hoof back in a bow. His hands made a Z shape and he told, "Welcome back my Lady."

I accepted his curtsy with a slight nod of my neck and replied, "Thankyee Great Keiv, you have taken care of the Grayna just as I had ordered you to, and in return for your service, what would you like as a reward for your undeniable bravery?"

Keiv blushed and replied, "If it pleases your majesty, I would love to return to my home and spend the rest of my life with Sara. I will do anything that you order, but I want my Sara with me. She is my love and I am lost without her."

I motioned him to rise using my finger and told him, " Your wish has been granted, enter the Grayna and imagine where you want to go. Make it as precise as possible and you'd be there in no time."

He looked at me in wonder and asked, "Portal travelling is possible using the Grayna? How? The only way in and out of the Grayna is to this park and to the Xity Road. It has been proved by the Doctorial Society of the Royalites, and Gr. Drajina Lipown had written eight books on the intense research conducted by..." he trailed on, suddenly realizing whom he was talking to. He gasps in fear and says, "I'm sorry your majesty, I didn't mean to blabber."

When he looks at where I stood all he's able to see is an empty space. Paralyzed by he begins to shiver and drops his eyes to the ground, where he sees me laughing like a crazy person on the ground. I gulp air and release then loud bursts of laughter tears beginning to streak down my face.

"Ha-ha, oh my, sorry Keiv, ha-ha, Your expression," said I laughing some more, "Priceless!!"

A smile tugged at the corner of his lips and he too began to shake in silent laughter. He offered me a hand to stand upright and I took it with a small giggle.

My brown eyes changed color and a rainbow burst in my pupil swirling around and making a colorful mesh twinkle in the many suns rays. At the same time the entrance to the Grayna turned pitch black like a blackhole out there in space. The dark hole began sucking the things around it into it's eye. The crystalline grass flew out in pixels like the shimmering skin of a sea bass.

I patted Keiv's back twice to turn his attention to me. His worried face came into view and he asked me something which was lost over the sound of the dark hole's actions. I hugged him tight and pressed my mouth towards his right ear and shouted, "Imagine the place right now and step in the Grayna in three seconds. If you don't, you'll find yourself on Jupiter since this is your personal blackhole with a default setting!"

He pulled and asked, "Personal what?"

I shouted, "Go! NOW! And gave him a slight shove on the back."

He nodded in understanding and jumped in three seconds. The last thing he did was wave at me with a huge toothy smile.


Whew! That was a relief! I really hope that Keiv didn't end up in Jupiter. After all that guy had taken over my duties as a queen for the past 20 years and I definitely shouldn't repay that by sending the guy off to Jupiter to die, or live as per the wishes of the Gas Freguens living there. Personally, I would choose dying over living under the rules of the Gas Freguens.

They were simply horrendous. They live a life which is perfection according to them, but is actually a life of servitude to the biggest Gas Freguen. All of them were almost the same size and since they are gaseous there is no way to measure their size. Sometimes one Freguen gets trapped in another and the bigger Freguen, or the stronger one just consumes the smaller one in order to be the ruler.

This goes on and on until there are no Freguens left other than one huge Freguen. Which will cause mutiny in the Freguen body, causing the Freguen to burst into five small Freguens and releasing the hundreds of Freguens trapped in.

This was literally how they reproduced. And once in a blue moon, some alien ends up in Jupiter's orbit and turns out being a prey to the Freguen games. Not being able to do anything other than follow the orders given by the Freguens.

Although the Freguens were a bunch of crosspatches, once they have a common enemy they united in an incredible way and fought the odd one out together. They all turned on each other and there has never been an incident where one Freguen links with others to fight another Freguen. However, this is also the reason why they still survive out there in space and still be able to trade with other aliens.

I walked around mindlessly for five more minutes before I decided to face Jake, or should I say, my Husband.

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