My Not-That-Awesome Life

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I hate myself I really do, there was once a time I used to think that all the people in the world are just and right, life was carefree and I was obviously on the top of my world. That all stopped the moment I entered university. Senior years was not what I had anticipated, best friends turned into worst enemies, teachers turned sinister and boys... well let's just say that they were a whole different matter. As a "teenager" my body shape wasn't considered the best and I lacked style and everyone distanced away from me.

Yea.. that's exactly what had happened.

Noone.. not even one person had decided to give a damn about me. Not that I was complaining or what-so-ever but it had hurt. It hurt very much. I'm not a person who can't control their temper but once a while I too lost control and people around used that as an opportunity to mock and bully me. I have no idea what had I ever done to make them hate me so much. Adolescence is a time of change and noone other than me knows it better.


Like every morning I woke at my normal timing and had went off to school. My beat up truck rumbled past the pathway and rolled into the parking lot. St Martin's High came to view and loomed in front of my eyes. I sighed and parked somewhere inconspicuous so that no one would notice me. Well as if someone is going to notice me anyway. I shrugged into my backpack and jumped out of my creaky truck. It's hinges were coming off and it's creaking turned a lot more louder, I panted and heaved for what seemed like hours and finally closed it. My watch showed that Bell was timed to ring in 5 minutes and I had no intention to be late on the very first day of my second year.

I pushed my way past hordes of teens who were clumped together like weeds in random corners of the corridor. I looked around for someone, something to acknowledge me and soon realized that it was pointless.

My life is a lot interesting and I know it... who am I kidding.. It's about as interesting as a rusty chair in broken down workshop. Great, now I am comparing myself with inanimate objects.

The bell rang breaking me out of my reverie and brought me to the present. I had History first and apparently it was not in my favourites list.

Unlike many kids I was actually quite smart. I got A*s for all with the exception of PE. I usually managed with a B for that one. Mr Burns ranted on about how history was the key to our success and well being and other crap. More than half the class was dozing off and the other half was happily talking and generally having fun with each other. I too was about to doze off when I felt someone poke my shoulder.

At first I brushed it off thinking that I was probably hallucinating as nobody in their right mind would even dare to be a mile close to me. I was special you see, once a girl called Nicole had unfortunately waved at me in the cafeteria and she was ignored and teased for a whole month afterwards. That lesson obviously came as a harsh blow to me but it had served its purpose and now noone would even give me a sideways glance.

So that was why I was really really surprised when I felt that poke again. I cautiously turned around and saw the most beautiful pair of eyes ever. They were a light hue of brown and twinkled with an excited light. Those glowing orbs weren't the only thing attractive but the owner of those eyes was pretty captivating too. He had light wavy blond hair which flowed gorgeously around his angel like face. He was like the David of my dreams which Michelangelo had perfected especially for me. His slightly hooked nose impeccably fit the rest of his masterpiece and his lips... Oh.... MY God... no words could define them.

I guess I must have been gaping at him for an hour or so and that caused his flawless face to crease into a frown. I hurriedly muttered some that look more idiotic. He laughed in that twinkling way of his that made me forget about the purpose of being alive.

He then looked straight at me and said....

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