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I barely survived the ride. It was totally overwhelming. All I was able to think was, Damn you all are missing so much of your life. Because, trust me when I say that riding on a centaur is the BEST THING EVER.

The best of the best.

Keiv turned out to be one of the coolest guys whom I had ever met. He was just so laid back about everything. He had a girlfriend whose name was Sara (IKR I was surprised too) and lived in the Kwoshkean Mountains, which was really far away from where we are right now. He had also told me about his clan who were the Blackiens, due to their black lips of course. Cool right??

When I asked Keiv how was I able to understand his language he looked pretty confused too. He told me that the centaurian language was one of the hardest from all the known 2014 languages. He himself had learnt it in 3 years, and that too was the primary course. Keiv told me that I spoke perfect centaurian and I quote that he told, "My fair maiden, thee bestest my great grandfather who had learnt from the honored Javikain, the revered God-King. Thee shines brighter than the brightest morning star."

And that of course had left me to blish for endless hours. I mean "brighter than the brightest morning star?" That is the sweetest thing that anyones ever told me in my entire life! The rate at which Keiv and I got to know each other was alarmingly fast, to be honest it took all my will power to not stop there and scream in joy. He was like this peice of me that was missing since forever! I can only imagine the fun we could have had, only if he were human.

We soon reached the park after the long journey, well it was somewhat of a jog but I'm still calling it journey. The park was normal in comparison to the carnival. That is if normal consisted of rainbow colored maple trees and purple jelly fountains with chubby cupid-like aliens bathing in gaseous red fumes that were spewed out instead of dihydrogen monoxide. The grass was small crystalline squares which caught the light of the two morning moons breaking into an Edward Cullen. I felt like going to a disco with huge disco balls and all! I never had tried that out but it will not be as good as this.

Keiv clopped beside me and told, "Our destination has been reached, let us move towards the Grayna tree? We will be provided for over there."

Great, now what the heck was a Grayna tree?

"It is the beauty which you can make out in front of you Sarah"

So that means I had asked the question out loud. I thought that Keiv will be angry or something but it seems like he is in a pretty good mood!

"Uh, Keiv, is the Grayna tree that miniscule white weed with no flowers?"

Keiv turned to me with a small smile and simply said "Yes"

He must have lost his mind while entering the park. Or tne park might just be an enchanted park made for luring idiotic aliens and then selling their alien organs to the rich aliens. Oh my, I am so dead.

"Why did thee utter unlady-like words like, pardon me- death?" asked Keiv with a bemused expression.

I really must control my emotions.

I told him, "Neufinheim Keiv! It's nothing. And Keiv you do realize that weed is not gonna protect us from anything right?"

Keiv once again smiled and said, "Yes, but no."


"It is not just a weed Sara, it is a Graynan seedling, invisible to all but the one with the purest of souls."

"Then how is it visible to me?"

Keiv shook his head and muttered something very lowly and then said,"Sarah, why doth thee think so lowly of thyself? Why punish yourself for what had happened almost two years ago?"

How... How does he know?

"How do you know?"

I don't know what overcame me at that point but then what happened next was surprising.

The Grayna seedling began to bulge with a watery substance inside. It grew and grew until it touched the sky. And during the process the holy white of the weed turned a light gray darkening until it was almost black yet still undeniably gray. The Grayna was a tree. But it was also a country, a city, a pathway and a new future. I knew it all after the very first look at what had happened. I knew it all because I had been there when the Grayna was made. I knew it all because I was the one who had created Keiv. I knew it all because I wasn't who I thought I was but an entirely different person itself.

I had no parents, there were no bullies, I never dated Marcus, hell Marcus was not even real.

I was slumbering. And now I am back.

Back to take what is rightfully mine. Back to serve justice to injustice everywhere. Back for finding myself.

I am Sarah Knox and I am eternal.

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