My head's spinning

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That was the door, which, incidentially was slammed on Marcus's face. By me. I slowly pulled the wooden rectangular box open and peeked outside to see a not so happy Marcus. I stepped out into the freezing backyard and chewed my lips in fear, what if he decides to ditch me from the date? I mean party! Marcus looked somewhat skeptical but not angry. He grabbed my amr roughly and pulled me into his car putting in the child lock before I could say anything. When he finally came and sat next me in the drivers seat he had a dazed look in his eyes. And all I can say was, "Are you gonna rape me?"

I could hear the veins in Marcus's neck popping as he turned his towards my side. His eyes glinted wickedly and his mouth was twisted in a half maniacal grin. I realized his right arm held some kind of white cloth only when it was wrapped around half my face, or my nose to be precise. The last thing I remember seeing was a fleeting look of guilt on my newly aquired old friend.


My eyes cracked open in a familiarly unfamiliar place. I was lying in the middle of what looked like the inside of a thatched hut with heavy reparation. It was broken and busted in places and I was lying on the cold hard ground. However, right in front of me though was a 40 inch LG flat screen television and beside me was a sliver bracelet with one red bead hanging off from it. I looked down on me to find that my beautiful gold dress had disappeared and I was clothed in a bodysuit which changed its color according to where I was. It worked like camouflage on a chameleon. One of my ankles were tied down to the door of the hut. I slowly made a jerking movement with my leg and was startled by a bright light coming off from the television.

A woman wearing a crisp grey business suit came into view. She was holding a sleek black iPad in her hand and glanced up to me to give me a tight lipped smile. Her beady eyes were a blue black color covered by transparent goggles but the weird thing about this lady was that she had no nose. She didn't even have two slits like Voldemort but had egg like features in place of her nose.

I was frozen to the ground in shock and curiosity when the bracelet began to float. The bead shone with a bright red hue and moved closer to me. The lady or alien on the television moved her lips ad motioned me to do something which I wasn't able to hear because of the low volume. I guess she increased the volume from somewhere as I was able to hear her clearly moments afterwards.

"Pleez put on de zowerkz"

I looked at her and said, "I don't know what is the zowks? Was it socks?"

Psycho alien lady smiled and said, " It'z e zowerkz, de one next tu you. Pleez put it on Zarah."

"How do you know my name? And..." she cut me off and said, "I vil reply tu your queztionz later, after putting on de zowerkz. Right noow beeh calm."

Yea, sure. I am kidnapped and talking to the television in the middle of what I am guessing an alien planet and she wants me to be calm. Sure, Easy peezy lemon squeezy. Not.

It didn't look like I was given much choice but I guess that the fact that I wasn't eaten or killed yet was a good omen and I was very much hoping that this good luck will last the entire way until I reach home safe and sound. Preferably with hot chocolate in my hand, next to Enrique Iglesias and with my pet poodle.

Well I guess not so I picked up the zowerkz and clasped it on my left wrist as loosely as possible. I looked at the television to find out what to do now and saw that there was no television there anymore and the ground was no more the cold ground but a fluffy quilt bed. I closed my eyes and pinched myself to make sure that this was real. Yes. It was real. All of a sudden an overwhelming feeling of sleepiness came upon me and I dozed off right there on spot, my head hitting the bed with a soft thud.

When I woke up the first thing I saw, or the first person I saw was yesterday's egg lady. Then the hut was definitely not a dream. If that wasn't a dream it meant that I am kidnapped! I jumped out of my bed and ran straight towards the door flinging it open and in my hurry knocking over egg lady, hope her head doesn't break.

The door opened to another bigger room this one studded with bright diamonds all around. The shine of the priceless crystals blinded me and made my body suit turn transparent showcasing me like a picture on the museum display. In place of my red g string now there was a glazy bra which protected my private parts. I didn't have much time to stand and stare at the weird material but had to run to open the next door.

Each door opened to a more outrageous room, there was even a room crawling with live snakes and another with cute origami pieces. Right now I was kneeling exhausted in a room covered in glitter. Green, blue, yellow; all you need to is ask and you'll find it here. This was just plain futile. I had no idea where I was running to and I had already surveyed more than fifty rooms.

Tears came unbidden to my face and poured down my cheeks leaving a trail of salt water. I was lost and alone. Just like how I have been living my entire life. Lost and lonely. While I wallowed in self-pity I didn't notice a certain someone clearing their throat.

Guess who it was?

Jake. Freaking. Lovegood.

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