The Return

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Yes, it must have come off as quite a surprise but Jake was not who he had made himself to be.

He was a 10,000 year old Eternal and my faithful husband for the past 8,000 years until recent events or maybe some not-so-recent event took place. Last Xritian day which took place 10 Earth years ago, I happened to be wandering the Dombervi Forest with the elves and brownies on a friendly hunting trip for the signing of the treaty of the Juki.

*Flash back*

"Ayersta, this is excellent mead. Where did you obtain such a fine specimen of wine?" Houlin Grikin asked with an impressed smile on his face.

Queen Ayersta smiled knowingly and replied, "Well my dear Houlin, if I gave away all my secrets I wouldn't be much of a ruler would I?"

Rumbling laughter boomed out of Houlin and he said, "Ayersta, even if you were begging on the ground you would be no less queenly than you are now."

Ayersta took this to be an insult and angrily launched herself towards the Brownie King. "Are you implying that I will be a beggar, you-"

A loud cracking sound deep from the forest interrupted Ayersta and Houlin's to-be argument. The two royalties had been best friends since the beginning of time and such petty fights were common amongst the two. I was riding Hazel at the back when the sound woke me from my daydream.

I rode two feet ahead and looked around.

"What's that sound?" asked a bewildered Houlin fearfully spinning his head around in a circle trying to get a peek of the source.

Ayersta grabbed her bow and respectfully bowed her head at my direction and said, "Queen of the Eternals, please let me handle this. I would feel highly dishonorable if I let my guest fight my battles for me."

King Houlin too bowed his head and told, "I agree with Queen Ayersta in the matter. You came here as our witness and before that, as our guest to this forest. If anybody is going to fight, it should be me."

I looked at the both of them and coolly replied, "You need not worry yourselves for my safety. I might be your guest, but I too have honor to protect and I will not be left standing alone while you fight out there with whoever it is. We have not yet confirmed that the noise was a threat or not. For all we know, it could be an aging tree which fell over due to its own burden."

I pulled out my ruby encrusted Arrynian sword and held it up in my right arm.

"I am ready to face whatever's behind those walls, all I need to know is whether or not you are coming with me."

In answer Kind Houlin reached his short-sword handle and pulled it out with a flourish while Queen Ayersta hooked a bow to her arrow.

The party of three carefully rode into the darkness of the forest filled with a new confidence. What we met with was something which scarred me for life. Something which made me change the course of my life and turn it around.

My sister and the King of the Eternals were doing something which can only be justified as sex in the simplest of words.

Princess Alayna Hope and King Jaquez Klin which had been their names during that century were in the middle of the dense wildlife. Alayna was half clothed and her red Yiquti was lying on the ground.

The Yiquti had been the dress at the highest peak of fashion during that time and Alayna always had an eye for fashion. She bought anything and everything once it was new and in fashion. It didn't matter how expensive it was, once she had her eye on it, she had it.

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