Best friends

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I was really late when I reached home. I was probably unsocial and friendless, but my family was everything to me. My Nokia showed that I had around 50 combined messages and missed calls from my parents and siblings. Oh yea, btw did I tell you that I had 5 sisters and 7 brothers? No? Good. Cause that isn't true. But, I do in fact have 2 sisters and 2 brothers. Being the youngest in the family obviously does not mean that you have absolute privacy. I mean duh! It is really crowded at home and I don't even have space to breathe. Okay, I was exaggerating. I do have space to breathe and I also have a room to myself. Actually, it used to be my sisters room which was her sisters room which is now my room. Confused? You know what? Forget it.

I practically ran out of my car in through the front door because I knew that my family was worried. I was totally unprepared for what I saw. And I seriously had never ever imagined that scene. Never. Ever.

Shanaya was sitting in the front hall couch with her brother, who is absolutely hot, and her parents were talking to my parents. What? Can't I have a peaceful day? First Jake, now her? This is too much to handle. I poked my head inside and tried to get up to my room. Agent 007 on mission sneak away without getting noticed. I bet that you know what happened next. Like all my plans, this too failed. My dumbass sister called out my name and revealed my location to the whole room. Everyone turned their heads in unison and looked at me. I just wanted to dig up a hole and bury my head in it. I absolutely loath attention. But, I had to stay put in front of my parents. I didn't want them to be more disappointed in me, and I am quite a disappointing creature.

"Sarah!" called out my dad, "Meet the Kellers! And you aren't gonna believe what I am about to say!"

"Um.. What dad?" I nervously replied. I was not used to seeing my parents in a good mood, in fact they were always extra grumpy around me. So this was weird! Really!

"The Kellers are our long lost cousins. Remember the story which I used to tell you when you were young? How our family had a fight and our cousins broke up with us and left us? These Kellers are those cousins! How great is that? Look at Shanaya! She told me that she and you are good friends at school!"

Ha, leave it to Shanaya to make up stories! I glanced at her to see her smirking at me. "Yea, we are like best friends you know. We just absolutely love one another!" she chimed in.

God, can she show how much more bitchy a human can be? Seriously bro...

"Bestfriends? Er.. ya.. we are? Ya.." What... I'm not a good liar! Lying is just not my thing!

Shanaya smirked at me for some time more and her bro started eyeing me up. His gaze was so strong and searching that I began to feel insecure about myself. I'm not busty enough and I'm way too fat for my own good. Okay, I'm not that fat, but I'm not as thin as Shanaya either! Does that make me fat? I guess so? Well... Ugh... Why am I thinking of all these crap. Aaron, aka Shanayas bro was really beginning to creep the fuck outta me. Who the heck stares at a person for one hour straight?

You have no idea how thankful I was when they left. I resisted the urge to slam the door on her snobby face as she left the room humming.

I literally jumped onto my bed when the clock struck 8pm. My family had this strict policy that no one was allowed to sleep before8pm, and if they did fall asleep somehow, then the next month would be total misery for them. All the house chores will be under that person. I am talking from experience. Really‼

The next morning was pure bliss! It was Saturday‼‼ Everyone loves Saturdays, well anyway that's my theory about Saturdays because I absolutely love them with all my heart. Saturdays are special to me because I went for my ballet classes on that day. Ballet is practically my life. It is a hobby, and in the future I have big plans on becoming a teacher. I feel like sinking down into the sand whenever I listen to the music. Ballet is the music of my soul, the beat of my heart and the sound of my mind. Poetic much? Happens. Well, I'm pretty sure that some of you must be wondering, "if you did ballet, then how are you fat? Aren't dancers supposed to be thin?" Now I'll reveal a secret. I just started my ballet classes 2 weeks ago. So far I have seen no improvement in my figure but I'm positive that there will be a difference in a month or so.

Ballet classes were held under the margin free store next to the golfing yard. Wait... Why am I telling you all about this? Hmm... I have no idea, so anyway, you could say that my jaw literally dropped 20 notches down when I saw Marcus standing there, In the middle of the ballet studio, looking perfectly in ease.

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