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"Wah," opened little John's mouth in a yawn, "Sis, I know you told me that you'd tell me a bedtime story, but this one doesn't make any sense. "

His twin brother's head popped up from the other side of the blanket, "Yeah sis, you don't have any powers. And, Jake is your boyfriend, not your husband. "

These kids were too smart to be the average 7 year-olds.

"Okay, but this is like a legit story!" I replied, trying to make myself sound serious and failing miserably.

The twins looked at each other with their bright green eyes and replied in unison, "Sure sis, dream on."

"Whatever, John, Max, go to sleep will you? If you don't wanna believe me then, don't." I shrugged. At least this way I won't lose my big-sister face.

Looking down at my watch frankly saying, I was shocked to see that it had been a little past 11.

I had come up to tuck in my two mischievous brothers and they had blackmailed me, yes blackmailed me into telling them a bedtime story.

Their advantage? My history paper, which I had gotten an F in.

Yes, this is what happens when you teach your brother's your tricks when they are 5.

My advice; Don't. Just do not do that.

Max pulled his blanket up higher and John threw his down on the ground.

"I'm sleepy." said a droopy eyed Max, who will get me into trouble tomorrow even though it was because of his persistence I had told the story. "Goodnight sis"

John began to close his eyes too and I rose to turn the lights off after a soft "Goodnight" to the both of them.

Reaching the door, I realized that I didn't take my end of the bargain yet, "John, Max? Where's my paper? "

John cracked open his eyelid and said, "Oh, it's in your room. We have no idea where it is. "

Argh. Annoying little brats.

The End.

Yea. Thanks for reading nd stuff, love y'all.

Indescribable [completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora