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Ugh, my life is the worst life on earth or maybe the earth was doing her personal project and decided to procrastinate and therefore had given me this horrible existence which I am definitely not glad to be a part of. I mean I just got freaking slapped by Shanaya. Shanaya, who wouldn't touch a sofa unless it is lined with the purest of leopard hide and sprayed with floral perfume from the forests of the Himalayas, touched me. And that was for slapping me. Did I deserve it? Nah... Well.. Nah. Eff! I'm having self-conversations again! No no no!

"Bitch you up or what?"

Huh? Oh! I'm still here?

"Of course you are," Shanaya said, "where did you expect yourself to be? Huh, magically teleported to the hospital?"

Um, even though that was exactly where I thought that I must be I guess Shanaya wasn't really interested in my thoughts. "Er.. Um... Wait! You slapped me!"

"Oh wow, now she remembers"

I am so going to kill that as- , why is someone poking me? No, why is Marcus poking me? "Marcus" I half-whispered, "Why are you poking me?"

Marcus gave me a look that suggested, you-better-shut-up-and-follow-me-before-you-get-into-more-trouble also known as YBSUAFMBYGIMT. And as you all know, when your friend/ex-boyfriend/ i-have-no-idea-person gives you a look like that you do the most obvious thing. You follow it.

I stammer out a quick (or maybe a slow) "I gotta leave" and stumble away. And guess what was the last thing which I had seen before leaving?

Shanaya's smirk.

Marcus and I decided to skip ballet today, not like it was worth going to but I pay for those classes. I am a compulsive liar, amn't I? I love ballet. Period. With a strikethrough? God knows.

"Hey Sarah, can I ask you something?"

Why the heck is Marcus talking to Sarah? Who is she ... oh... "Yea! Sure Marcus, whatever you want!"

Marcus flashes a coy smile and turns to me, "Over excited much?"

I knew it. I just should have been all nonchalant and stuff, anyway it's definitely not gonna work now so I just attempted a small laugh and told "Sure, who wouldn't be?" Remember, the key word being attempted it came out as a gross muscle twitching disease like the one which my Aunt Imogene seems to possess. Sheesh! Thinking about that woman itself gives me the creeps. Marcus looked at me for a while, until I tripped on a stone and fell down anyway, "Ouch!"

And that is how we sat down in a completely secluded diary shop by the absolutely ridiculous name of "Booba Bear" and the more horrendous tagline, "We give the best, right from the breast." You guys thinking of a huge bear with big tits? Cuz I sure am. They should have just made that the logo, but the logo was fortunately or unfortunately two buckets of, what I am guessing fresh milk. We ordered a vanilla sandwich and sat on an ancient wooden bench in the Far East corner of the place.

"Well, Sarah here's the thing. I am going to Mark's party. Wait... Just for you to give me another chance."


The most shockiest shocker in the entire shocking history.

This is so shocking that... I guess I should stop saying words in relation to shock now or else it might sound a bit or more deranged.

"Wha..t?" Yup, I choked on my spit in the process of saying a simple what.

"Yeah, I know," Marcus continues, "you must be thinking that I couldn't be a more selfish jerk than now as I am doing things which I am doing just so that I will get a good image in the public and then steal your heart and stomp on it like a playdoh again and again. But, honestly that is not my plan. I really was a jerk before and I really want to make it up to you for all those years I jerked around. I am a new and improved Marcus."

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