Old Memories

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The canteen was teeming with life. Loud jocks were right in the middle with Shanaya and her bitches. The cheerleaders were trying to seduce the good looking guys and Jake was nowhere to be seen. I guess that's a good sign, well, maybe. Cuz if he came I am quite sure that Shanaya wouldn't bother doing anything else other than on the poor guy.

Now I am seriously beginning to wonder whether I need a medical check up or not. I seem to be demented, who goes up to a guy who obviously wants to stay far far away from you? Well that's me.

I looked left and right and in the end decided to sit in the end of the canteen. It wasn't the popular table or the unpopular table, but, it was an empty and cozy one. And it also showed the canteen to me. In that way I would be able to keep an eye on Shanaya too.

I got pickles and bread, AGAIN. I think that the first thing I am gonna do when I reach home is to fire that stupid maid. Who the heck can live on pickles and bread daily. I tried talking o her a week ago about this food matter but she was way too concerned about other things to even pay me an ounce of attention.

I chewed on the disgusting thing and was thinking about random things like puppies and rainbows. And yes, you read it right, I'm not a totally depressed child okay! When I heard a chair fall down. Now, you can't blame me for looking like a nosy person because that's what practically the whole canteen was doing. And guess who was in the centre of the commotion? Yep, you got it right; it was Shanaya ...... and him.

And here I was thinking about saving him from heartbreak. Who told him to jump himself oh her, I mean, I actually thought that she was the one who was supposed to do those stuff. Anyway, back to the scene. Well Shanaya looked anything but angry and by angry I mean really really really pissed off. If I had thrown an egg on her right now I am pretty sure that I will get an omelette in return, that's how smouldering she was.

"Wtf, Jake?" screamed Shanaya.

"Erm... Uh.. Um... Sorry?"

"Sorry? You gotta be freaking kidding me, you just made me pour that strawberry Slurpee on me."

Oops, I didn't mention that did I? Nops I definitely didn't. The next words that came out of his mout didn't make any sense to me or Shanaya either because he has said "Um.. btw do you know where is Sarah?"

What? O my Gawds... What? I mean Im not dreaming this am I? A guy had just asked my personal enemy where I am? And that too after dumping her Slurpee on her and making her fall from her chair. Wow Jake you really did it this time.

"Sarah?" screeched Shanaya, "You wanna see that bitch?"

Hey! Im not a bitch, well I'm not gonna tell that in front of her either.

Jake replied looking calm and composed, " Yes Shanaya, I didn't know that you had hearing problems until now and she is definitely better than you who is in fact the whiniest bitch in the whole wide world."

I timidly made my way through the growing crowd of students to get a closer view. Jake, well, I have no idea what's going on. On second he is acting like Shanayas bestie and then all of a sudden the tables would turn and he would be supporting me. I don't even know whether to trust him or just let it be.

Jake suddenly spotted me and waved a hi. I pretended as if I hadn't seen him and hurried towards the door. I was obviously unsuccessful.

He grabbed my elbow and violently jerked my arm towards him. I was feeling all hot and stuffy and fought with my dumbass hormones as they were trying to show up in the form of a blush. "Hey" he told breathlessly and smiled a million watt smile. I on the other hand did what anyone would have done in such a situation, I ran.

Okay maybe no one would do that but by now you must have realized I'm really special right (haha, No) Jake however was annoyingly persistent and kept following me. In the end I, being the unhealthy one stopped running and stopped to catch my breath.

"What do you want Jake? Seriously?"

"I just wanna tell you how sorry I am..."

"Well, now that you have told it you may excuse yourself and excuse me at the same time."

"Wait" Jake called out to my already receding figure, "I want to talk to you Sarah"

My heart beat louder than the necessary speed and I was on the verge on having an embarrassing fainting session right there. I turned and saw that milk chocolate brown of his eyes. There was something about him that attracted me to him. I liked him, yes, who wouldn't like a hot specimen of a man like him? But, I didn't want it to happen to him too. The social rejection, no way, I would never want anyone whom I even remotely liked to be in this situation. Heck, I wouldn't even want Shanaya to be in this situation. Okay maybe not, I would love to see her like that.

I turned back and composed my features. I made myself frown and looked at him "What?"

"Sarah..." Jake began " Sarah please, why are you acting like this? Like you don't even know me? I know that you are hiding it. Please."

*Flash back*

Two kids probably around five years old are giggling and running around in a park. The boy is an adorable blond who had bouncing curls and a cheerful smile on his face. He was chasing the little girl with her plain brown hair and freckled face. She stopped running and complained, " Jake.... I'm so tired!"

The little boy shyly went up to the girl and gave her a tiny peck on her cheeks before blushing and turning away.

8 years later

A slightly annoyed teen girl opens her front door to see her best friend standing outside. She is shocked by his sad expression and gives him a friendly hug straightway. Her worried eyes search his face and try to gauge a reaction.

The boy walks up to the couch and then heavily plops down before he says " Sarah.. I'm leaving."

The girl faints.


Yes, he is Jake. My Jake. That's why I wanted to stay away and yet still be close to him. As much as I wanted to wrap him up in a bear hug, I also didn't want to risk breaking my heart into a million pieces all over again. It had been shattered once and I didn't want that to happen again.

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