Love me please

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I was laying in bed watching netflix I got a phone call. "Hello" I answer
"Hey" I hear on the other end I knew it was Matt. "Hey so I wanted to ask you something" he says really seriously I have never heard him be serious before and it took my mind a few seconds to process it. "uh okay sure" "So that day when you came into home room with a bruise and blood and that face that was from Courtney right?" He sounded as if he was making sure of something instead of actually asking. "what's it I you" I know I sound mean but I don't want Matt getting into this. "well I care about you Kelli and I know that we aren't dating but I also know that we're more than friends and I don't know what to call us so I guess I'm also asking what are we?" Matts question caught me off guard. "I don't know what do you want to be" I was happy he changed the subject from the whole Courtney thing. "I want you to look out your window" he says I can see his smile through the phone and I glance out my window onto my front lawn. In my yard was Jessie holding a huge neon pink poster with the words DATE ME KELLI TRUMBLE. Written in big orange letters and a few multi colored hearts around it. in front of Jessie is a hot af Matt in a t shirt and khakis with a white rose in his hand he is looking up at me with his smile and his green eyes and excited and hopeful and everything I have ever wanted. I held in my reaction and I closed the blinds and headed down the stairs. I opened the front door and bounded over to Matt not even breathing I jumped and with a split second I felt like I have never been hurt in my life I landed in Matts arms. his hands were wrapped around my wait and my feet wrapped around his waist I buried my face in the crook of his neck and I was grinning from ear to ear.
I was in the mood that morning to do something excited and it hit me that I wasn't dating Kelli yet so I woke up Jessie and went to the craft store. I made the poster with Jessie's help and I was off to Kelli's I had made a phone call to her to keep her talking to me and I was happy when I saw her run out the front door and all of the sudden be in my arms and she whispered yes in my ear and what hit me this morning hit me again reality saying your Dating Kelli Trumble, Kelli Trumble is your girlfriend. She is yours. I have never been so happy in my life I could feel the smile on Kelli's face as it was buried in my shoulder. I opened my eyes to see Aj leaning in the door way. I wasn't expecting this but he actually smiled at me. Aj was buff and like 5 inches taller than me and may I just say now he is like Kelli's guardian which means he is not going to let KELLI go out with just anyone and it felt satisfying to know he had accepted me.

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